Coronavirus symptoms: 6 signs of ‘Stealth Omicron’ you can witness in your gut and why the variant may not even give a positive result | The Times of India

Based on the findings, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that Omicron mainly affects the upper respiratory tract (instead of lungs in the previous variants), so the symptoms of this variant of coronavirus are different from the previous ones. Being a subvariant of the Omicron virus, the same thing is witnessed with the Stealth Omicron. This also means that the variant will not lead to symptoms like loss of smell or taste and shortness of breath. Two early signs of Stealth Omicron variants are dizziness and fatigue. Apart from these tell-tale signs, other symptoms include:


Extreme fatigue


Sore throat

Sore head

Muscular fatigue

Elevated heart rate

Read more: Coronavirus: With schools reopening, how to spot COVID signs in kids
