Coronavirus India Live News: India’s vaccination coverage crosses 106 crore doses; 7,427 new cases were reported in Kerala today, 62 deaths

coronavirus statistics live in india, coronavirus prevention live updatesCases in the last two days have also seen a drop of around 3,000 cases compared to Thursday

Coronavirus Cases in India Today, Coronavirus Statistics India Live Updates: India has registered more than 14,300 cases in the last 24 hours and with this the number of active cases in the country has gone up to 1,61,555. However, the number of people who have recovered in the last 24 hours has been less in comparison to the new cases- 13,543. This is the second consecutive day that the number of recoveries in the country has been less than the number of new cases. On Friday, India had recorded 13,198 recoveries against 14,348 new cases. If it persists for the next few weeks, it could signal a new wave of the pandemic in the country. However, as the situation stands at present, it is too early to say whether this is a trend, or if these are isolated cases. The cases in the last two days have also seen a drop of around 3,000 cases as compared to Thursday, which is another positive aspect.

Meanwhile, the vaccination campaign in India has received a total of over 105 crore doses in administration, with over 72.89 crore being the first doses administered in different groups. At the same time, the states are also planning to improve the vaccination campaign at their level. Madhya Pradesh has decided to launch a special immunization program from November 15, in which the state government will organize vaccination as well as test camps at public events. The campaign aims to vaccinate the entire eligible population by the end of the year.

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