Corona vaccination of children in the country: About 100 million adults aged 15-18 years will get the vaccine, preparations are being made to vaccinate indigenously for those aged 12-18

New Delhi11 minutes ago

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The corona vaccine will be administered to children in the age group of 15 to 18 years from January 3 in the country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave this information in his address to the country on Saturday evening. PM Modi said that this decision will reduce the worry of our children and their parents going to schools and colleges.

According to official figures, there are around 100 million children in the age group of 15-18 years in the country. It will be the effort of the government to give the first dose of vaccine to these children as soon as possible. It is known that the demand for children’s vaccine is being made in the country for a long time.

So far 1.41 billion doses of Corona have been applied
Kovid vaccination started in the country from January 16 this year. So far 1.41 billion doses have been administered. More than 61% of the adult population has been given both doses of the vaccine. About 90% of adults have received a single dose of the vaccine.

Children are being vaccinated in more than 30 countries
More than 30 countries around the world are giving corona vaccine to children with different conditions. In Cuba, children above the age of 2 years are being vaccinated, while in South Korea, Australia and the Philippines, children above the age of 12 are being vaccinated.

Those aged 12 to 18 will get indigenous Covaxin
At the same time, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has approved the emergency use of Kovaxin, a children’s Kovid-19 vaccine prepared by Bharat Biotech. After the approval of the DGCI, Bharat Biotech’s vaccine can currently be administered to adolescents in the age group of 12 to 18 years.

Needle Free Vaccine for Children
The Subject Expert Committee recommended a trial of Covaxin on children on May 12 after warning of a third wave. Zydus Cadila’s needle-free vaccine being made for children, ZyCoV-D, has already been approved. After ZyCoV-D, Covaxin is the second vaccine in the country to be approved for emergency use.

Omicron has 449 cases in 17 states
Omicron cases are increasing rapidly in India. On Saturday, this figure rose to 449. So far, cases of the new variant have been found in 17 states. Maharashtra has the highest number of cases at 110. After this, 49 patients infected with the new variant have been found in Gujarat, 43 in Rajasthan and 41 in Telangana. Mumbai also has the highest number of cases in Maharashtra, which is a matter of greatest concern.

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