Corona Updates: 6,915 new cases were found in 24 hours, 180 patients died; 98.59% recovery rate

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  • National
  • 6,915 new cases found in 24 hours, 180 patients died; 98.59% Recovery Rate

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The decline in corona cases in the country continues. In the last 24 hours, 6,915 new positive cases of corona have been found in India, which is 14% less than Monday. Also, 180 patients died on Tuesday. The good thing is that 16,864 patients became healthy after defeating the corona epidemic on the previous day. If we talk about the active cases of corona, then 10,129 active cases have decreased in the last 24 hours, currently the number of active cases of corona in the country is 92,472.

On Tuesday, 8,013 new positive cases of corona were found in the country and 119 patients died. If we talk about the status of corona in the states, Kerala has got the maximum number of 2,010 new cases in the last 24 hours. While 1,325 new cases have been reported in Mizoram and 407 from Maharashtra. The positivity rate of Corona in the country is 1.1%, while the recovery rate has reached 98.59%.

Corona situation in the country
Total cases- 4,29,31,045
Total Recovery – 4,23,24,550
Total Active Cases – 92,472
Total deaths – 5,14,023

Other updates related to Corona

On the one hand, the cases of corona are decreasing in the country, while on the other hand the news of fourth wave is also coming out. Researchers from IIT Kanpur say that the fourth wave will start in the country from June 22. During this, it will reach its peak by August 23 and will last till at least October. The special thing is that IIT Kanpur’s earlier estimates regarding the third wave in the country also proved to be correct.

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