Corona still present in Maharashtra: MNS Chief Raj Thackeray admitted to Lilavati Hospital, corona positive for the second time, postponed leg surgery

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  • MNS chief Raj Thackeray admitted to Lilavati Hospital, corona positive for the second time, leg surgery postponed

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Raj Thackeray had come in contact with many people while going to Lilavati Hospital.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Raj Thackeray had come in contact with many people while going to Lilavati Hospital.

Although the pace of corona infection has slowed down in Maharashtra, it is still not over completely. Now Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray has become Corona positive for the second time. The special thing is that Raj is admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and today (June 1) he had to undergo a leg surgery. However, after his corona positive, doctors have now postponed his surgery till his full recovery.

Some medical tests were done on Raj Thackeray 24 hours before the surgery at Lilavati Hospital. The special thing is that to get Raj Thackeray admitted to Lilavati Hospital, his wife Sharmila Thackeray and son Amit Thackeray, MNS leader Bala Nadgaonkar also came here. Now their Kovid test will also be done. Not only this, along with Raj, his personal security personnel and hundreds of supporters were also present outside the hospital without a mask. In such a situation, the risk of spreading infection is also looming on them.

Ayodhya tour canceled for surgery
Raj Thackeray was to undergo hip surgery today. In early May, Raj Thackeray had said that he would undergo surgery to relieve knee and back problems. Based on this, Raj Thackeray canceled his Ayodhya tour. However, the opposition of UP MP Braj Bhushan Singh was said to be behind this.

During the entire transition period, Raj wore a mask only once during his meeting with historian and writer Babasaheb Purandare.

During the entire transition period, Raj wore a mask only once during his meeting with historian and writer Babasaheb Purandare.

Raj Thackeray had said – I do not wear a mask

Before the start of the second wave of Corona, that is, during a press conference in February 2021, when reporters asked Raj questions about not wearing a mask, he said that I do not wear a mask. If the corona in the state is growing so fast and people’s lives are in danger, then the municipal elections to be held in the state should also be carried forward. Earlier in September 2020, he was also fined Rs 1,000 for not wearing a mask.

711 new cases found in the state in 24 hours

Corona cases are increasing once again in Maharashtra. In the last 24 hours, 711 new cases of corona were registered in the state, while one patient died. At the same time, 366 corona infected patients have recovered in the last 24 hours.

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