Corona started scaring again: 60 died in a day in the country, deaths increased one and a half times in 24 hours; new cases also increased

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New Delhi6 hours ago

The speed of corona is increasing again in the country and the world. On April 28, 60 people died of corona in India. This figure is one and a half times compared to the previous day. On April 27, 39 people died. A total of 5.23 lakh people have died in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours, 3,377 new cases of corona were registered in the country, while 2,496 people were discharged. The number of active cases ie people undergoing treatment has also reached 17,801. On the previous day, 4.73 lakh sample tests were done for corona. Earlier, 3,303 new cases were registered on Thursday and 2,937 on Wednesday.

5,250 active cases of corona in Delhi
On Thursday, 1,490 new patients appeared in Delhi. With this, the total active cases in Delhi now stands at 5,250. However, only 124 of these patients had to be admitted to hospitals. There are 9,379 beds available for corona patients in Delhi hospitals. Two deaths were also recorded here on Thursday.

Corona Updates…

  • 11 new cases of corona have been reported in IIT Madras. The total number of infected here has gone up to 182.
  • IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva’s corona report has come positive.

Investigation campaign in 75 districts on May 2 in UP
Health services will be tested through special mock drills to prevent the return of the fourth wave of corona in Uttar Pradesh on May 2. In this, the time taken from hospitalization of Kovid patient to starting treatment and the arrangements for rescue will be improved. On May 2, this mock drill will be held in all 75 districts of the entire state including Meerut at all covid centers including medical and district hospitals including CHCs, PHCs. Read full news…

First death in Bihar amid fear of fourth wave
A corona infected has died amidst fear of the fourth wave of corona coming in Bihar. The deceased were admitted in a private hospital in the city for 5 days. He had trouble breathing. He was being taken from Patna to Delhi when his condition worsened, during which he died on the way. Here, a senior officer of the Administrative Service has been found corona positive in the Raj Bhavan. Read full news here…

Corona threat increasing in the world
The increasing cases of corona remain a cause of concern for many countries along with India. Germany had the highest number of new cases in a single day in the world. On Thursday, 1.24 lakh new cases were found here, while on April 25, 86,980 new cases were reported.

New cases in the US increased by 28%
There were 45,091 new cases in the US on 25 April, while 57,985 cases were found here on 28 April. In this context, there has been an increase of 28% in new cases. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical advisor to the US President, said on Wednesday that the epidemic has not yet gone from America and we have to be careful.

School closed in Beijing, ban on wedding-funeral
All schools have been closed in Beijing, China, with a population of 25 million. Marriages and funerals have also been banned here. Corona investigation campaign of 20 million people has been started in Beijing. On Thursday, 10 thousand new cases came in Shanghai, China. On the other hand, more than 57 thousand cases have been registered in South Korea in a single day in Asia.

China is adopting zero covid policy to control corona.  Because of this, crores of people have been imprisoned at home.

China is adopting zero covid policy to control corona. Because of this, crores of people have been imprisoned at home.

WHO warns
WHO says that the next variant of Corona may be a cause for concern. WHO epidemiologist Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said – Currently, Omicron has the highest number of cases worldwide. Simultaneously, its subvariants ba.4, ba.5, ba.2.12.1 are also being monitored.

He said- According to the World Health Organization, it is difficult to tell which will be the next Kovid-19 variant? For us this remains an important cause of concern. We just need to plan according to different circumstances.

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