Corona patients increased 6 times in a month in the country: 11,793 new cases on the previous day, masks were made mandatory in public places in Kerala

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Corona patients found daily in the country have increased six times in just one month. Till May 28, the average of daily patients was only 2,498, now it has crossed 17 thousand. However, it is a matter of relief that daily deaths due to corona have not increased. Even now, an average of 20 deaths are taking place every day. Most of the deaths are being recorded only in Kerala and Maharashtra. The average of daily deaths in all other states remains between zero and 1.

The maximum number of cases are also coming from Kerala and Maharashtra. Kerala has again reached the top with 3,206 new cases. Wearing of masks has once again been made mandatory in public places in Kerala. The Kerala Police has instructed all the SPs of the state to follow the Corona rules. Here, in Tamil Nadu too, the number of positive patients has gradually increased. Delhi, Karnataka, P. In Bengal and Goa also new infected are increasing rapidly.

32% decrease in cases in last 24 hours
There is an up-down in the speed of corona in the country, but the speed of infection in big states is worrying. On Monday, 11,793 new cases of corona were reported, 9,486 infected were cured and 27 patients died. On Monday, there was a decrease of 32 percent in new cases in the country as compared to Sunday. On Sunday, 17,073 new infections were found, while 21 patients died of corona. More than 100 patients have died in the last six days.

The good thing is that the increase in the number of active patients has almost stopped. On Monday, there were a total of 92 thousand active patients in the country. Even on June 24, this number was 92 thousand. The main reason for this is that corona patients are recovering quickly. Because of this, there has not been much pressure on hospitals anywhere in the country so far.

Kerala tops in terms of infected
The maximum number of cases in the country are coming from Kerala. In the last 24 hours, 3,206 patients were found positive in Kerala. At the same time, 3,046 infected were cured, while 13 infected lost their lives. On Monday, the positivity rate of Kerala has come down by 5 percent. On Sunday, 3,378 new cases were found here. The total positivity rate in the state is 18.05%, that is, 18 out of 100 patients are getting infected.

Since the initial phase of Corona till now, more than 66 lakh people have been infected in Kerala, while 65 lakh patients have been cured. So far 70 thousand infected people have died in the state. At present, 27,051 patients are being treated here.

Corona is not stopping in Maharashtra
After Kerala, the maximum number of cases are coming from Maharashtra. In the last 24 hours, there were 2,369 cases of corona in Maharashtra, 5 people have died. There was a 64 percent reduction in new cases on Monday as compared to Sunday. On Sunday, 6,493 new cases were registered in the state. While 4,205 new cases were reported on Saturday. A day ago, the number of active patients was around 24,000, which has now increased to more than 25.5 thousand.

Cases also increased in Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu is the third number in terms of new cases after Kerala and Maharashtra. On Monday, 1,461 new cases were reported in the state, 697 patients were cured. Thankfully no one died. Since the initial phase of Corona, 38,026 infected people have died here. 8,222 corona-infected patients are undergoing treatment in the state.

Delhi also raised concern
Corona cases may have been less in Delhi, but the positivity rate here is more than 8 percent. According to the Union Health Ministry, 628 new cases were reported in Delhi in the last 24 hours, 3 patients also died, while 1,011 patients were cured. At present, more than four thousand patients are being treated in the capital.

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