Convert Handwara into Horticulture Hub: Mahbubnagar Collector

Published: Publish Date – 10:30 PM, Fri – 4 March 22

Mahabubnagar: Keeping in view the favorable conditions for the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, District Collector S Venkata Rao directed the officials to convert Hanwara mandal into a horticulture hub in the district.

He wanted the officials to motivate the farmers in the Mahbubnagar and Hanwara mandals to cultivate vegetables and not be limited to the cultivation of paddy.

Celebrating Friday as Water Day, the District Magistrate watered the trees and plants along the roads on the Hanwara-Vepur road here. During the exercise, he oversaw the cultivation of bitter gourd, truffle and onion being carried out by Tirupatia, a farmer on the outskirts of Hanwara.

During the interaction with the farmer, the District Collector asked him about the area in which vegetables are being cultivated, the expenditure incurred, the methods of organic farming and other aspects.

In response, Tirupatia pointed out that many farmers are cultivating vegetables in the surrounding areas. Impressed by the response of the farmers, the District Collector directed the officials to promote horticulture farming in a big way in the circle.

Later he inspected the ongoing forest rejuvenation and other works in Vepur Reserve Forest. District Forest Officer Gangi Reddy told the Collector that in the last two years natural forest has been developed in the area without much expenditure.