Consider New Immigration Scheme for Domestic Policy Bill

WASHINGTON: Senate Democrats are considering a proposal that the government use its current parole power to temporarily house nearly 7 million immigrants in the United States, a move to include broad immigration language in a domestic policy bill. In the latest effort, aides and advocates said on Wednesday.

The idea is being pushed as President Joe Biden and Democratic leaders Labor to resolve major disputes within the party about the final shape of social and environmental legislation and the initiatives involved.

Helping immigrants stay in the country along the way to becoming permanent legal residents and possibly citizens is a top-level priority for progressives and Latino lawmakers. Moving the overall bill through a narrowly divided Congress would require near-unanimous Democratic support.

The latest Democratic proposal follows two failed, earlier attempts to persuade a Senate nonpartisan lawmaker that immigration provisions should still be allowed in the evolving bill.

Under the 1952 law, the government has the power to temporarily allow immigrants already in the country. The measure, updated several times but did not yet affect millions of people at once, currently allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to exercise parole authority.

The language Democrats are considering would specify that five-year parole could be granted in the US from 2011, which could be renewed for an additional five years, an immigration advocate said to describe the internal plan. Spoke on condition of anonymity.

The provisions in question would not explicitly provide a way for parole immigrants to become legal permanent residents or citizens. But about one million of them with close relatives in the US would be able to take advantage of existing procedures to seek that status, the lawyer said.

The idea is being considered by Democratic leaders, but no decision has been made, said three Senate Democratic aides, who would only describe the status of the proposal on condition of anonymity.

In a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, Lorela Prali, co-chair of the progressive group Community Change Action, said the parole option would likely be an option for Democrats.

Disclaimer: This post has been self-published from the agency feed without modification and has not been reviewed by an editor

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