Conservation plan of Cabo de Rama in rough weather | Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: Goa Tourism Development Corporation’s (GTDC) ambitious Rs 2.9-crore project for the restoration and beautification of Cabo de Rama fort has hit some turbulence as the directorate of archives and archaeology (DAA) has raised an issue over ownership of the monument.
The 12th century fort, which overlooks the Arabian Sea and is perched at a strategic location in Canacona, commands a picturesque view of the taluka’s coast. In recent years, it has been hit by weather elements and conservation issues.
GTDC had recently released a tender in e-procurement mode, announcing a two-stage competitive bidding process for its conservation work from eligible contractors. Work was expected to be completed in a year. But DAA has written to the GTDC’s MD with a request to withdraw the tender as the corporation had apparently not obtained the department’s approval before commencing the tendering process.
“The fort is a protected monument of the directorate as per the Goa Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act of 1978 and Rules, 1980. The said fort premise is under the directorate’s ownership and NOC of this directorate is mandatory,” DAA director B Medeira, stated in her letter.
A GTDC official, however, stated that the project will be taken up as it has been okayed by the cabinet and has also received financial approval. “Efforts are on to resolve the matter with DAA,” the official said.
Heritage lovers have been underscoring the neglect of the structure. “This fort is one of Goa’s finest and most historical forts. It predates the presence of the Portuguese in Canacona taluka. It is disappointing to see it in such a state of neglect and disrepair,” Heta Pandit, secretary of Goa Heritage Action Group, said.
“The fort was built by the Raja of Sounda. The Soundekars sought asylum with the Portuguese to protect them from attack by King Hyder Ali of Mysore as he had attacked the kingdom of Sounda,” history researcher Prajal Sakhardande said.
