Connect Deeper with Your Partner through Valentine’s Day Yoga

Yoga is a practice known to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. But did you know that it can also be a great way for couples to bond and connect on a deeper level? With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, what better time to explore the benefits of practicing yoga as a couple? Let’s take a look at how practicing yoga together can enhance your relationship, improve your communication, and even bring you closer to each other physically. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, there’s something for everyone when it comes to practicing yoga as a couple. So, grab your partner, lay out your mat, and let’s discover the world of yoga for couples.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Akshar Yoga Institute, Himalaya Yoga Ashram, explains why yoga for couples is beneficial in the long run.

physical and mental health benefits

There are many benefits of starting a yoga practice with your partner. The countless physical health benefits you’ll experience, such as increased flexibility, strength and stamina as well as improved immunity and the ability to avoid stress and anxiety, come first.

improves bonding

Practicing yoga helps you become a better version of yourself, which enhances the bond between two individuals. Having a common purpose – yoga – it improves adaptability, understanding and self-assurance.

yoga postures for couples

Akshar shares some easy poses that you can practice with your partner:

Practice asanas like Padmasana and Sukhasana to open up your lower body and make your hips more flexible. Adding partner stretches like Paschimottanasana and Padahastasana will help you develop lower-body strength and hamstring flexibility. To increase your stamina and upper body strength, try holding Santolanasana for a bit of a challenge. You can help yourself stay young, active and energetic by practicing back bends like Chakrasana, Ustrasana and Dhanurasana.

meditation techniques

Beej Dhyan/Arambh Dhyan/Seed Meditation

ARAMBH is the Sanskrit word for “beginning” and in a healthy environment good seeds should be sown.


➢ Close your eyes and sit straight in any of the above asanas, imagine 2 big circles in front of your eyes, one circle above and the other circle below.

➢ The circles are symbolic, the circle that is above is a white hole (to receive all positive things) and the circle that is below is a black hole (to release all negative things) (Black hole has event horizon , which is the surface of a black hole: the boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing can escape)

➢ Forming a triangle for meditation from the top white hole to the ajna chakra to the bottom black hole

➢ With every inhale, visualize receiving light, abundance, strength, power and all positivity through the White Hole in the Ajna Chakra and with the exhale, releasing all past, bitter thoughts, negative energies through the Black Hole Do it.

➢ With each inhale, you inhale prosperity and positivity and with each exhale, you drive away all darkness and negativities.

Yoga is a very effective and beneficial approach to channelize any unwanted negative emotions like insecurity, jealousy, fear, self-doubt etc. Your self-confidence will increase as a result, and you will be able to celebrate your partner’s achievements. And victory without feeling inadequate in any way.

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