Congestion tax, Rao kav charge ahead of heavy transport budget plan

of israel new budgetThe project, if approved, would lay the groundwork for large-scale transport and infrastructure overhauls in the coming years. But several controversial plans to increase payment for services have given citizens arms.

Record budget of NIS 35 billion for 2021 and NIS 38b. NIS 7.5B for 2022 was approved along with a comprehensive five-year plan to invest. To improve public transport.

Earlier this week, the cabinet approved the Finance Ministry’s proposal for the state budget 2021-2022. The Knesset Finance Committee is now preparing it for the Knesset Plenum, where it will have to be passed into law after three readings by November 4.

One of the most controversial clauses in the new budget is a new “congestion tax” that will be launched in 2024, requiring drivers to pay for entering the gush dan area in private vehicles during certain hours. transport minister merav michaeli The idea was originally opposed, but has now been adopted as a quick short-term solution to Tel Aviv’s traffic problems and as a source of funding for other transportation projects.

Another plan in which bus and train riders are furious is a move to cancel an estimated NIS 250 million in state subsidies for public transport. This would include removing the “accumulated value” bonus for people using the Rao Kava card, which adds additional credit whenever a multi-ride payment is made. The finance ministry argues that these benefits – originally intended to encourage riders to pay for multi-rides instead of single-ride tickets – are no longer relevant.

Scope of projects These reductions will help finance in a big way. The biggest project on the list is the giant NIS 150b. Metro project will be constructed in the entire Gushdan.

This includes the construction of three new underground metro lines spanning 145 km. and 24 municipalities connecting Tel Aviv with Givat Samuel to the west, Ranana to the north, and Holon to the south. Excavation for the country’s largest ever infrastructure project is scheduled to begin in 2025, with operations planned to begin around 2032. This is in addition to several light rail lines currently under construction in the Tel Aviv region.

Among other infrastructure investments, approximately NIS 3.5b. Investments will be made in building 30 new bus terminals with 2,500 electric charging stations over the next 5 years. Some NIS 6B. Investments will be made in paving public transport routes, and 3,500 buses will be procured over the next five years, of which 2,500 will be electric. To support this, thousands of new bus and train drivers will be trained on a budget of NIS 220m.

Also, over NIS 2b. The next five years will be spent on improving roads, sidewalks, public transport and other infrastructure in Arab cities. and other NIS 2B. Investments will be made over five years to build safe and effective cycle paths across the country.

About NIS 1B Investments will be made to improve road safety, including the improvement of high risk roads.

NIS Sum of 90m. Investments will be made in increasing access to public transport. According to the Ruderman Family Foundation’s Link20 network, which advocates for people with disabilities, it will include ten intercity bus lines, along with new wheelchair-accessible buses that have not been used in Israel before.

The government will also set up an enforcement unit for intercity traffic to ensure speedy travel. NIS 100m Improvements in the information and ticketing system will be directed to the NIS 250m as well. For 3 years for Traffic Management System.

“It is the first transport budget with a vision of freedom of movement and equality, a budget that covers not only private vehicles but also pedestrians, commuters, commuters, senior citizens, people with disabilities, Jews, Arabs, Druze and cyclists. Works. Michaeli said after the budget’s approval. “The first stop on the track is coming.”

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