Confused about mediation timing? Deepak Chopra is here to reply

There are many benefits of meditation, from managing stress to reducing negative emotions. Many people have started to make meditation a part of their life, but still do not know what is the best time to do it. Deepak Chopra has the answer to these questions.

Under the “Ask Deepak” option on their website, a user inquired about the right time for meditation. And, Deepak was of the opinion that it is best to meditate twice a day, once in the morning before work, and early in the evening. According to the author before work and dinner, the rest that is obtained from meditation forms the foundation of the day’s activity.

Responding to the user’s statement of meditating at 8 pm, the author said that it would not provide the right amount of benefit. “However, now that you know the value of earlier meditation, try to establish a regular routine so that it doesn’t stop before bedtime”, concludes the spiritual leader.

Meditation helps you to get a new outlook towards life. In this process a person discovers a lot of inner peace. Let us know some benefits of meditation-

reduce stress

Whenever we face a difficult situation, meditation helps us return to a more calm state of mind.

boost productivity

It helps in reducing stress. When we work in a relaxed state, our productivity will automatically increase.

focused frame of mind

People who suffer from short attention span can be helped by meditation to a great extent. It helps to focus the mind on the present.

improve relationships

Meditation lets us discover inner peace. When we are at inner peace with ourselves we will be grateful to others and this will improve our relationship with them.

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