Commonwealth nations free to chart on course: Prince Charles

Prince Charles told Commonwealth leaders on Friday that the choice to become a republic or leave the Queen as head of state “is up to each member state”.

Speaking at the opening of a Commonwealth summit in Rwanda, the British heir to the throne said that the 54-member club, primarily of former British colonies, will always be “an independent federation of independent, self-governing nations”.

The Prince of Wales is representing Queen Elizabeth II as head of the Commonwealth in Rwanda at a time of renewed discussion on its purpose and profile in the modern world.

Republican movements are taking root in many Commonwealth countries and some are seeking reparations for colonial-era injustices such as slavery.

Charles accepted this change and said that the Commonwealth was a diverse and developed family.

Charles told an audience of presidents and prime ministers, “The Commonwealth includes countries that have constitutional ties with my family, some that continue to do so, and increasingly those that have none.”

“I wish to state unequivocally, as I have said before, that the constitutional arrangement of each member, whether republic or monarchy, is purely a matter for the decision of each member country.

“The benefit of a longer life gives me the feeling that such systems can be changed peacefully and without rancor.”

Queen Elizabeth has championed the Commonwealth since taking over the throne in 1952, but in the decades since some member states have removed the monarch as head of state.

Republican movements are gaining momentum in some of the 14 Commonwealth countries outside the UK where the Queen is the head of state.

Member state Barbados became the world’s newest republic last year, and other Caribbean countries are pushing to follow suit.

Another member, Australia, has also appointed a minister for the republic, in a sign of constitutional change on the horizon.

Questions have also been raised about the future role of the royal family at the helm of the group representing a third of humanity in rich and poor countries around the world.

At its last meeting in 2018, the Commonwealth named Charles as the head of the organization to succeed the Queen, and delegates in Rwanda praised the royal family for their dedication to the cause.

The Commonwealth has come under scrutiny over its relevance, but supporters say the expansion of membership from countries with no historical ties to Britain undermines its health.

The two new members are Mozambique and host Rwanda, and the West African states of Togo and Gabon are expected to join the club at this summit.

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