Colorado Man, On Stroll, Finds Dinosaur Fossil. It May Now Fetch Him Millions In Auction – News18

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The bones were buried in the solids and mud.

The bones were buried in the solids and mud.

Jason Cooper owns about 100 acres of land. He has found the bones of 10 dinosaurs in the last 10 to 12 years.

Archaeologists excavate fossils to decipher the missing links in human history. Many discoveries have changed the course of history and revealed many secrets of the past. They have discovered human remains from different civilizations, artefacts, paintings, and whole civilizations. In a similar incident, a man from Colorado found some age-old bones of a creature that changed the rest of his life.

Jason Cooper, a resident of Colorado, America, found huge bones while travelling with his friend, which were later identified as the bones of a dinosaur. The bones looked huge. He picked them up, brought them home, and tried to reorganize them to make an animal. Later on, he realised that the bones he found were worth crores of rupees at auction.

According to a report by the BBC, Jason Cooper, on his 45th birthday, was going towards a mountain near his house with his friend, where he found these big bones sticking out of a rock wall. The bones were buried in the solids and mud. They began to dig out the bones and found some more bones at the sight. According to Cooper, “I saw that the thorns of the tail were sticking out. There were some big plates on its back. When I started taking them out, I saw that it was very long.” His house is situated in a place called Morrison Formation. The site is filled with sedimentary rocks from the Jurassic period.

Jason Cooper owns about 100 acres of land. He has found the bones of 10 dinosaurs in the last 10 to 12 years. Later, Jason informed the officials, and they started to investigate the bones. They found out that these bones had been buried in the ground for the last 150 million years. The bones stood the test of time and remained in good condition. They measured the skeleton. The height of the lunch is about 11.5 feet and the length of the whole skeleton is about 27 feet. They have named the skeleton Apex.

Cassandra Hatton of Sotheby, the skeleton, can raise millions of dollars. According to her, no 100 per cent dinosaur has been found. It will be auctioned in July. Professor of palaeontology Steve Brusatte said, “Stegosaurus specimens are very rare, and if real, they should be kept in a museum. It should not be sold. There is no such restriction in America, where any person can do whatever he wants by digging up a dinosaur on his property, and this also includes earning a good amount of money from it.”