Cleo Smith Rescue: Audio Of The Moment Western Australia Police Found Little Girl – World Latest News Headlines

New audio of detectives’ less emotional moment released Cleo Smith And saved him from the hell of 18 days.

Police broke down the door of a house in Carnarvon, Western Australia, after the girl was snatched from a campsite 75 km from her family’s tent.

After extensive searches she finally reached a house just 3 km away from her family home and around 12.46 pm on Wednesday, they entered the locked house.

They found a four-year-old girl playing with toys in a bedroom, and he immediately asked her name three times, before she finally stumbled and replied: ‘M-my name is Cleo.’

On Thursday, Western Australia Police released audio of the wonderful moment detectives finally knew they had found him safe and sound.

As the metal hits the ground before Cleo can be seen, the audio opens with the sound of a police door banging and an officer saying: ‘We caught him.’

‘Hey Bubby’ said hello to the baby as a second before Detective Sergeant Cameron Blaine asked his name three times.

Officers can be heard ordering a camera to be brought to the crime scene, but the audio was only released on Thursday to prevent any bias towards future trials.

The little girl has returned home with her mother Ellie Smith, stepfather Jake Glidden and younger sister Isla and is said to be happy and playing.

The sound clip was released as Cleo and her family met with Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan.

Cleo’s stepfather Jake welcomed the premiere by wearing freshly painted white nail polish, supposedly applied by toddlers in honor of the special visit.

Cleo’s stepfather Jake Glidden congratulated the Western Australia premiere on Thursday

WA Premier Mark McGowan visits Cleo Smith and his parents on Thursday

WA Premier Mark McGowan visits Cleo Smith and his parents on Thursday

Premier Mark McGowan described Cleo as a delightful little girl who talked to him about her school and her dog.

‘It was a lovely experience meeting her… she was such a bright, upbeat, sweet little girl,’ he said. ‘They are decent, fundamentally honest people.’

Police have already confirmed that the accused man has no ties to Cleo’s family and was not on the list of known sex offenders in Carnarvon.

It is alleged that he worked alone.

Cleo is said to be in good spirits with her family despite her dramatic ordeal as West Australian police prepare to bring charges against her alleged kidnapper.

A 36-year-old Carnarvon man is being questioned over suspected kidnapping. He is expected to be charged later on Thursday.

Police have confirmed that the man was taken to the hospital twice after causing himself harm while in custody.

He has since returned to the local police station and is expected to face a magistrate in Carnarvon after the charges are made.

“It will probably happen later today, but there’s still some work to be done, some interviews,” Superintendent Rod Wilde told reporters in Carnarvon.

‘I think those interviews will end today, probably this afternoon.’

The accused person was arrested at the same time from a nearby street.

Supt Wilde said police were yet to establish whether Cleo was held at the property for the full 18 days she was away from her family.

Detective Blaine spent time with the family on Thursday and said the girl was doing well.

‘I can only see him from outside. But from that perspective, I’m surprised she seems to be so well adjusted and happy,’ he said.

‘Really glad to see that she is still bubbly and laughing.

‘She is sleeping on her mother’s lap. There was one occasion when he asked if she could lie down next to mom and have Ellie watch her while she was sleeping.

‘It’s really nice to see she’s adjusted, she’s getting some sleep, she’s playing in the backyard as you would expect.’

The officers have remained silent on the precise intelligence that led the officers to Cleo’s location. They were looking for the driver of the car, which was reportedly seen leaving the Blowholes campsite around the time it was allegedly taken away.

Asked whether the accused person has been identified as the driver, Supta Wilde replied, “It is not confirmed yet.”

‘But of course we would say that the car was important and it was in the right time frame.’

He said expert child interviewers were sent to Carnarvon and would meet Cleo when the time was right.

“We will sit with the family and find out the appropriate time,” he said.

Cleo was pictured smiling and waving from a hospital bed shortly after reuniting with her mother and stepfather.

Their rescue has been welcomed in Australia and WA Police have been congratulated for their ‘old-fashioned police work’.

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