Claim of Chinese occupation in Arunachal: 60 buildings built within 6 km of Indian border in 2 years, satellite image revealed

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • China Arunachal Pradesh | China’s infrastructure in Arunachal Pradesh; check satellite image

New Delhi6 hours ago

Expansionist China has again started occupying the areas adjacent to the Indian border. According to the report of NDTV, new satellite images have revealed the formation of another enclave of China in Arunachal Pradesh. It is being claimed to have about 60 buildings.

The report claimed that there was not a single building on this land before 2019 and 60 buildings were built in 2021.

The report claimed that there was not a single building on this land before 2019 and 60 buildings were built in 2021.

NDTV has given this information in its report based on the image released by American satellite company Maxar Technology. According to this, there was not a single enclave in this area till 2019, but after two years, China captured and built it. A few days back also, information about the occupation of the Chinese army in a part of Arunachal came to the fore. According to the report, the new 60 buildings are 93 km away from the old one.

China's agency Xinhua has described the Chinese enclave as part of Qingling of Niangchi.

China’s agency Xinhua has described the Chinese enclave as part of Qingling of Niangchi.

According to the report, the new enclave is within 6 kilometers of the Indian border. This area is between the International Border and the Line of Actual Control (LAC). India has always claimed this area to be in Indian territory. NDTV has claimed in the report that the location of China’s new enclave can also be seen on Bharatmaps, the online map service of the Government of India. It is prepared under the supervision of Surveyor General of India. It has been claimed in the report that when the Indian Army was talked about this, they told that this area is north of the LAC.

Here, dragon infiltration in Bhutan too: 4 villages settled illegally in 25 thousand acres

China has also infiltrated the border of neighboring Bhutan. According to the report of NDTV, China has illegally occupied about 25 thousand acres of land in Bhutan along its border. Not only this, China has also settled 4 villages there.

A global researcher on Chinese military development @detresfa has made this new disclosure through satellite photos. Chinese villages can be clearly seen in these pictures. There is an old dispute between Bhutan and China over this land. Both the countries claim that this land belongs to them.

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