Claim against Elder: Will they harm him in California. Remember?

LOS ANGELES: A day after facing charges of emotionally abusing a former fiancé, Republican Larry Elder has scheduled two weekend rallies and shows no outward signs of changing the course of his campaign in the California recall election. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom could be removed from office. .

The longtime talk radio host who may be the state’s first black governor is scheduled to gather with supporters in Newport Beach on Saturday and Clovis in the Central Valley on Sunday. Both are receptive places for his conservative message; Newport Beach is a longtime Republican stronghold, and Clovis is in the district of Republican U.S. Representative Devin Nunes.

Elder tweeted on Thursday that he was more proactive than ever to fix the situation and described the claims of unfair treatment in his former relationship with Alexandra Datigue as a reprehensible allegation.

The allegations of datings surfaced at a time when there seem to be some rigid rules regarding personal conduct and consequences for politicians and public officials. How Elder maneuvers through a wave of unwanted headlines will test his front-runner status.

It was not immediately clear what effect Datig’s claims might have on the competition. On Thursday night, hours after the story broke, three of Elder’s Republican rivals debated and the issue never came up. Newsom did not mention it, although his campaign called Datigues’ statements a serious allegation.

Voters will eventually rule on Elder in the September 14 election. Mail-in balloting has already started.

I think strong conservatives are most likely to dismiss such accusations as false, and are driven by opponents of the Elder who want to take him down. Menlo College political scientist Melissa Michelson said this is a highly partisan issue.

Overall, these allegations are unlikely to have much impact. He said in an email that despite the victory of the #MeToo movement, voters are unwilling to punish politicians on the basis of such claims.

In recent decades, California voters have held an indifferent view of sexual indiscretion by politicians, including Newsom, while the mayor of San Francisco had an affair with his then-appointed secretary, who was married to his campaign manager at the time. The issue came to the fore only during his 2018 run for the post of governor.

Just days before Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in the 2003 recall election, the Los Angeles Times reported six women, some of whom worked with him on the set of the film, said he groped them. Initially, his campaign denied that he had indulged in inappropriate conduct, but shortly afterwards Schwarzenegger apologized, disputed some of the allegations.

Kim Nalder, a professor of political science at California State University, Sacramento, said the allegations against Alder have the potential to change the minds of some voters, especially those who are just tuning in and don’t know much about Elder. But it is unlikely to affect many voters who have already settled on Elder.

The type of people most likely to back him are Trump voters, not distracted by allegations of sexual inappropriateness or mistreatment of women, she said.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, a 2005 recording of Donald Trump surfaced in which he bragged about trying to kiss, seek out and have sex with different women. The taped conversation surfaced almost a month before the election in which he defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump also has a long history of making derogatory remarks towards and about women.

Sean Walsh, a lawyer and Republican who was Schwarzeneggers’ press secretary during the 2003 recall, said he doubted Elder would suffer too much. He added that if voters are motivated enough to fire Newsom, they are more than willing to forgive some of the indiscretion in the candidates who want to replace him.

Walsh said the public can be particularly generous to celebrities like Schwarzenegger, and that Elder can claim Hollywood glamor from his many years of talk radio and Fox News appearances.

Walsh said that whatever Teflon thing that comes with celebrity, he’s got some of it.

California voters are being asked whether Newsom should step down and who should replace him. If a majority votes to recall, the replacement will be the one who receives the most votes out of the 46 candidates. A winner may emerge with 25% or less of support. In contrast, Schwarzenegger won a majority in 2003.

Datig, in documents and in an interview with the Associated Press, sketched a portrait of a strained 18-month romantic relationship in which Elder was overly controlling and regularly overused medicinal marijuana. She claims that Elder showed her a gun during a heated 2015 debate; The Elder denies that he ever pointed a gun at anyone. She said she never reported the incident to the police and walked out after agreeing to a financial settlement.

Elder did not specifically address the claim of marijuana use in questions submitted by the AP to his campaign.

Datigue, 51, and a longtime Los Angeles resident who has been active for political reasons, Elders supports one of the Republican rivals, former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulkner. Faulkner campaign spokesman John Burke said on Friday that he endorsed Faulkner on his blog on August 5, then spoke to his campaign press to explain his support and express great concern over Larry Elders’ character and his treatment. Emailed the account.

Faulkner said Friday that he had never spoken to Datig and called his allegations disturbing and said they needed an investigation. When asked whether Datings’ outreach influenced Faulkner’s decision to criticize Elder’s record on women, which he began to do on Tuesday, the former mayor did not respond directly and asked questions about Elders’ statements about women in the workplace. About to return to his criticism.

Rob Stutzman, who was Schwarzenegger’s director of communications during the 2003 recall, said he did not find the same allegations against Elder as Schwarzenegger. These include a domestic dispute and reportedly a gun was involved.

Stutzman said some voters were skeptical of Schwarzenegger’s allegations as they drew so close to election day.

I think people thought it was late, people thought a lot of stories were unconfirmed, Hollywood has a vengeance, he said.


Ronne reported from Sacramento.

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