Church: Thousands of pedophiles in French Catholic Church since 1950: Commission – Times of India

Paris: Thousands of Pedophiles Have Worked Inside French Catholic Church Since the 1950s, the head of an independent commission investigating the scandal, told a few days before the release of its report.
The commission’s research had revealed between 2,900 and 3,200 pedophiles pastors or other members of the church. Jean-Marc Sauve, adding that it was a “minimum guess”.
The commission’s report is due to be released Tuesday after two and a half years of research based on church, court and police archives as well as interviews with witnesses.
The report, which Sauve said runs to 2,500 pages, will attempt to measure both the number of perpetrators and the number of victims.
It will also look within “systems, especially institutional and cultural ones”. church Which let the pedophile be, and would offer 45.
The independent commission was set up by the French in 2018 Catholic Church In response to the many scandals that rocked the Church in France and around the world.
It was also formed after the Pope Francis The Catholic Church passed a landmark measure to force those who learned of sexual abuse to report it to their superiors.
Composed of 22 legal professionals, doctors, historians, sociologists and theologians, its brief was to investigate allegations of child sexual abuse by clerics in the 1950s.
When he began his work he sought statements of witnesses and set up a telephone hotline, then reported receiving thousands of messages in the months that followed.
