Christmas 2021: Here’s how to celebrate the festival while taking care of your health during the pandemic

Christmas 2021: Christmas is around the corner. And that is enough to get excited about despite the pandemic. As soon as the pandemic hit, it changed the very definition of ‘normal’ for all. In the new normal world, be it a festival, or a family get-together or anything related to socializing, safety and precautions have become the first and foremost priority. Christmas has always been a time of joy and gaiety. Don’t let the thought of COVID-19 dampen our festive spirit, but prepare to welcome the season with joy.

As the joyous occasion approaches, here are a few ways in which you can celebrate Christmas amid COVID-19:

cookie swap

A great way to keep your Christmas spirit high is by indulging in a socially distant cookie swap. The swapping of sweets has been a fun, beloved holiday tradition in many families. Simply send your desserts or cookies to the doorstep of your friends, neighbors or family members with no-contact delivery while they do the same to you. This would be a great way to enjoy a variety of cookies this Christmas.

secret messiah

There’s nothing quite like exchanging surprise gifts during Christmas. Be the Santa to your loved ones and participate in online Secret Santa events.

House Party

If you want to go out and spread the Christmassy vibe in a big way, host a small Christmas celebration. For this, find out the Kovid infection rate in your area. Put up notes reminding guests to wear masks and to wash and sanitize their hands frequently. Limit the number of guests at your party. Keep your windows open for ventilation. If possible, host the party in a spacious, open area such as your home’s terrace garden, lawn, and backyard.

virtual party

The option of virtual party, video call with your loved ones is always open. You can cook a delicious meal at home and eat it during a video call with your friends or relatives.

decorate your christmas tree

Indulge yourself or your kids in some DIY crafts and decorate your home, Christmas tree with gifts and lights for a magical evening. Create a Christmas playlist and turn on your favorite movie to watch with your family.

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