Chris Rock tests positive for COVID-19, urges people to get vaccinated

Chris Rock tests positive for COVID-19, urges people to get vaccinated
Image Source: insta/chrisrock

Chris Rock tests positive for COVID-19, urges people to get vaccinated

Actor-comedian Chris Rock on Sunday encouraged people to get vaccinated after he announced that he had contracted COVID-19. In his short message posted on Twitter, the comedian shared a bare-bones message with his over 5 million followers, declaring, “Hey guys. I just found out I have COVID, trust me Do you don’t want it. Get vaccinated.”

The star didn’t elaborate on how he’s feeling, but judging by the dire warnings he’s been issued to his followers, it looks like he’s experiencing at least some sort of discomfort or illness. According to Variety, as a guest on ‘The Tonight Show’ in May, Rock told host Jimmy Fallon that he had been vaccinated with a single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot, meaning his current case was a case of coronavirus. would be a successful example.

At the time, he joked to Fallon, “You know, I skipped the line. I didn’t care. I used my celebrity, Jimmy,” he told Fallon. “I was like Pootie Tang, ‘Step aside, Betty White. Phase aside, old people. Kiss my ass! I did’. ‘Let me be at the front of the line.'”

“It’s the food stamp of vaccines,” he joked about the Johnson & Johnson shot. Comparing it to the film Titanic, he said, “I was like Billy Zane on Titanic. Leo died! Billy Zane lived to see another day. I don’t want to be Leo on the bottom of the ocean. Billy Zane got another woman after that! You don’t want to be a Leo. Well, in real life you want to be a Leo.”

Earlier, in a January interview with Gayle King, Rock said, “Let me put it this way: Do I take Tylenol when I have a headache? Yes. Do I know what’s in Tylenol? I don’t know.” That’s what’s in Tylenol, Gail. I know my headache is gone. May I know what’s in a Big Mac, Gail? No. I know it’s delicious.”

While COVID vaccines do not completely prevent infection, vaccinated individuals are more likely to have minor infections and not require hospitalization. Almost all deaths due to COVID-19 have occurred in unvaccinated people. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Rock has noted on separate occasions that he takes the pandemic seriously, and has encouraged others to do the same and wear masks.

The 56-year-old actor most recently starred in “Saw” sequel “Spiral” and last starred in David O.J. alongside Anya Taylor-Joy, Rami Malek and Margot Robbie. Russell’s eponymous film, which was filmed in Los Angeles last spring. It is scheduled for a November 2022 release. As Deadline reports, the short description of the film is that it is about a doctor and a lawyer who “form an unlikely partnership”.

With his COVID announcement, The Rock joins the list of celebrities who have publicly announced COVID diagnoses such as Melissa Joan Hart and Wendy Williams.

