Vikram, often known as ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram, is the famed Tamil actor who has excelled in finding a great balance between creating gallery-pleasing films and pushing the edge in terms of content. While the star has struggled with form and a few lacklustre films in recent times, it doesn’t change the reality that he’s one of the country’s most brilliant performers today. The actor has never shied away from taking on parts that require something extra.
In the early years of his film career, Vikram appeared in a film named Ooha. In the film, he played Mohan, a gray character. Interestingly, the protagonist of the film was renowned Telugu comedian Ali, who was last seen in the Kannada film, Namo Bhootatma.
The plot centers around a young man who falls in love with the girl he dreams about. But, like in any usual romantic drama, he faces several obstacles attempting to win over his lady love.
Sivala Prabhakar wrote and directed Ooha, which was released in 1996. However, the picture was a disappointment at the box office, and there was practically no mention of it whatsoever.
In the meantime, Vikram’s last flick, where he was seen alongside his son Dhruv for the very first time, is doing incredibly great at the box office. This film can be considered Vikram’s power-packed comeback. The movie is helmed by Karthik Subbaraj, who has woven an intriguing relationship drama that uses two prominent Gandhian concepts – nonviolence and liquor prohibition – to construct a narrative about faith and freedom.
Apart from Mahaan, Vikram recently wrapped the shooting for his upcoming action- thriller, Cobra. The film is being helmed by Ajay Gnanamuthu. The film, where Vikram will be seen in 20 different shades, took nearly three years to finish shooting.
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