Chinese city closed over new cases; Whistleblower claims China deliberately spread virus

New Delhi: In the latest report of the epicenter of Covid-19, another city in northeast China is reportedly under a new coronavirus outbreak.

Harbin city officials have said health experts have been asked to go to the city to control the outbreak, according to AP news agency.

The city of 9.5 million people reported three cases on Wednesday, a day after the first case of community transmission was reported.

Reading: 26,964 coronavirus cases reported in India in last 24 hours, R-value drops below 1

As soon as the initial reports came, the authorities conducted massive testing and also closed the schools. The city also ordered the closure of businesses such as mahjong parlors, cinemas and gyms.

City officials say residents must only display a negative virus test to be able to go for essential travel. Otherwise, according to the agency, people are being asked to stay at home.

China has been successful in containing the spread of the virus within its borders by adopting costly and strict measures, including lockdowns and mass testing.

According to a report in DailyMail, meanwhile, a whistleblower has revealed that China deliberately spread Covid in a military tournament two months ago, when the rest of the world knew about the deadly virus.

The World Military Games in October 2019 could be the first superspreader event, according to sensational claims by former Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jingsheng.

The international tournament for military athletes was held in Wuhan, the epicenter of Covid-19, two months before China informed the World Health Organization about its first cases.

Claiming about the super spreader event, Jingsheng cannot be just a coincidence that some of the 9,000 international athletes gathered for the event reportedly fell ill with a mysterious illness.

“I thought the Chinese government would take advantage of this opportunity to spread the virus during military games, because many foreigners would show up there,” he told the new Sky News documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan.

The whistleblower claimed that he had heard about the Chinese government doing “unusual exercises” during the Games.

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