China’s infiltration not curbed: 100 Chinese soldiers crossed the border near Uttarakhand last month, broke the bridge and fled; now revealed

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • India China Uttarakhand border dispute; Bridge damaged by PLA troops in Barahoti

New DelhiOne hour ago

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China is not deterring its antics regarding the border dispute. On the one hand, he talks about resolving the dispute through dialogue, on the other hand he is not giving up infiltration. The latest incident is from the border along the Barahoti sector of Uttarakhand, where 100 Chinese soldiers crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC) last month. This information has now come to the fore.

According to news agency PTI sources, Chinese soldiers had infiltrated on August 30 and returned after staying there for three hours. Responding to this, Indian soldiers also patrolled. However, no official information has been given about the Chinese incursion. According to media reports, Chinese soldiers on horseback entered the Indian border and ransacked a bridge before returning. Let us tell you that Barahoti is the same area in which China had infiltrated even before the 1962 war.

Due to differences between India and China over the LAC in the Barahoti sector of Uttarakhand, minor incursions keep happening, but this time the number of Chinese soldiers was astonishing. China has also increased construction near LAC in Barahoti sector.

Temporary constructions were also done near LAC in Eastern Ladakh.
It was only last week that it was reported that China has made temporary tent-like accommodation arrangements at about 8 locations near Eastern Ladakh (LAC). According to media reports, the People’s Liberation Army has built shelters in the northern area from Wahab Jilga near the Karakoram Pass to Piyu, Hot Springs, Chang La, Tashigong, Manja and Churup. Here 80 to 84 containers have been made in seven clusters at each location.

Last year, there was a bloody conflict between the soldiers of China and India over the border dispute in eastern Ladakh. After this, both the armies had completed the disengagement in the disputed areas, but China is now again doing infiltration activities.

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