China targets Uighur families to silence activists abroad, says rights group – Times of India

Munich: A Uighur supporters The group strongly condemns the Chinese government’s practice of targeting Uyghur “family space” for silence. Uighurs abroad.
According to World Uyghur Congress (WUC), Chinese authorities have intensified targeting of Uighurs abroad, threatening to detain or imprison their family members. East Turkestan If they don’t stop speaking.
WUC President, Dolkun Isa, said, “Separating Uighur families is a skill that the Chinese Communist Party has mastered over the years, adding to the deep sadness and guilt we are already facing. ” “By detaining Uighur parents, siblings and children, or forcing them to condemn their relatives abroad, the Chinese government exploits innocent people to crack down on Uighurs abroad, calling them the Uighur genocide. But tries to stop speaking.”
in recent months, Xinjiang Overseas Friendship Association Facilitated a virtual gathering between Uyghur students living in Central Asian countries in Central Asia and Russia and their relatives in East Turkestan.
The WUC said that some students in these countries who have declined the association’s invitation, whose relatives were detained by the Chinese authorities.
“It is not uncommon for Uighurs in expatriate to be approached by Chinese authorities and urged to return to China. Especially in Central Asian countries, Chinese consulates actively try to persuade Uighurs to return under this promise. are doing that the Chinese authorities will facilitate the reunion with family members,” the group added.
However, according to the WUC, such requests are made with force, as they are usually accompanied by threats that family members will be detained in East Turkistan if they refuse to return to China.
Uighurs in exile who are outspoken on the “Uighur genocide” are targeted with particular brutality by the Chinese government. After threatening to detain its family members and loved ones, the Chinese government has been increasing its use of hostage diplomacy over the past months.
Despite mounting evidence, Beijing has denied allegations of widespread human rights abuses in the country’s Xinjiang province.


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