China reports 5,280 new Covid cases, highest daily jump since 2020

new Delhi: China on Tuesday reported the highest daily increase in cases after reporting 5,280 new coronavirus cases. The National Health Commission said that this is the highest in two years.

The most affected area is Jilin Province. The latest surge has led to the closure of at least 10 cities and counties, including the tech hub of Shenzhen, home to 17 million, AFP reports.

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one of the biggest features of omicron The variant is that rapidly spreading, China reported more than 10,000 cases in the first two weeks of March. There have been no new deaths in multiple outbreaks across China. While the majority of cases are in Jilin province, smaller outbreaks have been reported in other provinces and major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, according to the AP.

Residents of Jilin – a province that borders Russia and North Korea – have been barred from leaving the province and traveling between cities. The provincial capital, Changchun, which is also an auto manufacturing hub, has been under lockdown since Friday, as authorities conduct repeated large-scale tests there and in Jilin city, the AP reported.

According to the report, medical workers have been dispatched from other provinces with pandemic response supplies, and the province has mobilized 7,000 military reservists to help with the response.

Local authorities have conducted several rounds of large-scale nucleic acid testing and built temporary hospitals to contain the latest outbreak, official Xinhua news agency reported.

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