Children’s vaccine became cheaper: Corbevax vaccine reduced from Rs 840 to Rs 400; free at government centers

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  • Corbevax Vaccine Reduced From Rs 840 To Rs 400; Free At Government Centers

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The cost of Corbevax vaccine given to children has been reduced. Vaccine maker Biological E Limited has reduced its price from Rs 840 to Rs 250, but after including all taxes, this vaccine will be available at Rs 400 at private centers. Earlier it was available for 990 at private centers. However, under the government’s vaccination campaign, this vaccine is being given free of cost in schools.

Corbevax vaccine used for children 12 to 14
On March 15 this year, when the vaccination of children between 12 and 14 years started in India. Then only the Corbevax vaccine was used. At that time the company had fixed its total price for the government at Rs 145.

Purpose is to keep children safe
The company said that with reducing the cost of the vaccine, our aim is to make it more affordable. Along with this, the virus should not spread much in children and help to keep them safe. At the same time, in April, the drug regulator approved emergency use authorization for Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin for children aged 6 to 12 years as well as Biologicals E’s Corbevax for children aged 5 to 12 years. However, according to the company, before approval, they had conducted tests on 624 children aged 5-12 and 12-18.

The second dose is to be taken in the gap of 28 days.
Two doses of Corbevax Corbevax vaccine are given. Which has to be taken in a gap of 28 days. That is, after taking the first dose of the vaccine, the second dose is taken after 28 days. This is the first vaccine that has been approved for use in children as young as 5 years old. This vaccine is free at government centers.

Corbevax is the protein subunit vaccine
Corbevax is India’s first indigenous recombinant protein sub-unit vaccine. That is, instead of using the whole virus in this vaccine, only a part has been used. The name of this part is spike protein. It is through this protein that the corona virus enters the human body.

According to the information, if only spike protein is injected into the body, it does not prove to be dangerous. As a result, our immune system recognizes this protein and develops antibodies, which help us fight the virus in case of future corona infection.

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