Chelsea fan takes off last shirt before club closes shop after sanctions

A fan told of a “surreal moment” on Thursday as he bought the last Chelsea shirt at the club’s shop after it was shut down after Russian boss Roman Abramovich was approved, with supporters expressing their concerns over the sanctions. was expressed.

The billionaire owner of the English Premier League side was one of seven oligarchs targeted by the UK government over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, all described as part of President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.

Abramovich announced last week that he was selling the European champion.

But this move has now been put on hold due to British government restrictions, although the London club can still operate under a special license with some restrictions including ticket sales.

Chelsea said on their website that tickets for the FA Cup quarter-finals in Middlesbrough on March 19 will not go on sale as planned on Thursday, with updates to follow “in due course”.

Martin Hardyman, 29, was with his two-year-old son, Peter, when staff closed a consignment store in Stamford Bridge.

He said: “We went to the club shop and it was still open and as soon as we went in, they closed the door behind us[and]gave a sign saying, ‘We are closed due to ongoing restrictions’ .

“We went upstairs, got the shirt, and it was the last shirt sale of the current era, apparently. It was a surreal moment but a nice little moment in history.”

– ‘nervous’ fans –

Fans outside the stadium said they were “nervous” and “worried” about the sanctions, although most were not concerned about Chelsea’s long-term future.

Kai Chapman, 19, said: “I’m really sad. We could see it coming but as a fan base and as a club we have to move on.

“I get the whole point of approving Abramovich, but in terms of supporters, I think punishing us is a bit harsh because we only want to support our club and go to games, and be able to buy tickets. This going without being put us in a difficult and awkward position.”

Clive Winters, 61, said: “Let me put on the first record – the war is terrible, absolutely shocking, I have found no justification for it.

“It’s been a while in the football business – real nod – but again, he (Abramovic) has done a lot for the club and for charities in this country and around the world.

“He’s a Chelsea fan and 20 years have passed and nothing has been actioned. Surely if there were links or alleged links, it must have been something in the last 20 years rather than just dropping it now?”

Siahmi Anuar, 20, who traveled from Malaysia to London to see the Stamford Bridge Ground, said he was “very disappointed”.

He said: “I am very concerned about the future of the club as I am a lifelong fan. I have supported Chelsea since childhood. I spent £2,000 ($2,600) to get here. Once blue, always one blue. “

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