Check out these easy yoga postures to reduce hair fall, treat acne

It has been repeatedly endorsed that the art of practicing yoga helps a person to control their mind, body and spirit. Simple meditation and breathing exercises can make you physically and mentally disciplined. Many celebrities and yoga experts have highlighted the various benefits of yoga, including mental clarity, calmness, concentration, increased body awareness, relief from patterns of chronic stress, etc. A very important element of practicing yoga are the postures and hand gestures. From strengthening the pelvic organs to treating urinary disorders, postures and hand gestures play an important role.

Fitness Influencer and Yoga Therapist Juhi Kapoor in her recent Instagram post stated that if the mudras are practiced regularly, they can also help in managing various lifestyle issues. Hair fall is something that makes anyone conscious, both men and women are very particular about taking care of their hair.

Juhi claims that ‘Prithvi Mudra’ can be practiced to reduce hair fall, improve hair quality and strength. In addition to the positive effects on hair, Yogini explains that Prithvi Mudra reduces heat from the body, increases energy and stamina, enhances blood circulation, and strengthens internal organs and tissues.

How to do Prithvi Mudra?

To do Prithvi Mudra, first of all, one has to understand the gesture of the hand, that is – touch the tip of your ring finger with the tip of your thumb. Now sit in meditation posture, inhale slowly and exhale. Practice the mudra for 20-30 minutes daily.

Acne is a common problem, especially in case of imbalance of earth and water element in the body. Juhi suggests practicing two mudras daily to get rid of acne and scars as well. Once again Prithvi Mudra will come to your rescue as it balances the earth element. And the second mudra is Varuna mudra, which as the name suggests balances the water element. Varun Mudra also helps in blood circulation and urinary disorders.

Both yoga postures should be practiced on an empty stomach for 15 minutes each. If you have eaten food, then keep a gap of at least 1 hour.

From ensuring your heart health to treating irregular periods, yoga practitioners have postures for every problem.

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