Cereals To Jaggery, Consume These Foods To Stay Warm In Winter

Last Update: January 14, 2023, 18:52 IST

It is equally important to pay attention to the foods you eat so that your body temperature is maintained.

It is equally important to pay attention to the foods you eat so that your body temperature is maintained.

Walnuts, cashews and almonds are excellent sources of healthy fats that also help regulate body temperature.

Winter is that time of year when all you want to do is snuggle up in your blankets and enjoy a good movie with a hot cup of beverage. However, as soon as winter comes, there is a fear of falling sick. Sudden changes in weather, with cold and fluctuating temperatures, can lead to low immunity, which can make you fall ill more often. Apart from wearing clothes to beat the cold, it is equally important to pay attention to the foods you eat, so that your body temperature is maintained.

If you’re unsure about what to include in your diet to stay warm this winter, look no further. Here are five foods that are considered best for winters:


Oatmeal, oatmeal and whole grains are the best way to start the day. You may feel like eating pizza and pasta, but eating them occasionally will be more beneficial. This is because they will not keep you warm and only have a short-term effect as simple carbohydrates break down quickly. Your morning breakfast should consist of porridge or porridge dishes enriched with vegetables. Other options include whole wheat sandwiches, hot milk with cornflakes, and egg or vegetable buns.

dry fruits

Walnuts, cashews and almonds are excellent sources of healthy fats that also help regulate body temperature. Other viable options eaten in colder countries include figs, dates and olives. A hot herbal tea with a handful of dates, both of which are rich providers of iron, will not only satisfy your craving but are also excellent for boosting your immunity.


Since honey is traditionally used to treat cough, cold and sneezing, consuming it directly or adding it to salads will be effective in the winter season. Using honey during winters can go a long way in preventing fever and maintaining normal body temperature.


Contrary to popular belief, consuming ghee in sufficient quantity is beneficial for your health. It not only produces heat in your body but it is also responsible for improving your immune system. Add just a little ghee to your preparations or use it with vegetable oils for great flavor.


Jaggery, often known as jaggery or jaggery, is a common ingredient in every Indian household. In many households, it is still customary to eat a small amount of jaggery after a delicious meal. It not only helps in keeping your body warm but also improves digestion and immunity. Another advantage of jaggery is that it controls blood pressure and strengthens your bones.

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