Center to suspend several defense import projects to promote ‘Make in India’

New Delhi: In a bid to make a strong push towards a self-reliant India in the military sector, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government will suspend several defense import projects received under the Procurement (Global) method.

The government’s move comes at a time when the Center is formulating a new Defense Manufacturing and Export Promotion Policy, which will guide the way forward for expanding defense production within the nation and aiding exports to friendly countries.

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According to official sources quoted by news agency ANI, a high-level meeting of the Defense Ministry will be held virtually on Wednesday in which all import projects under the Buy (Global) category will be evaluated and likely to be canceled or put on hold. by the government.

The Buy Global category indicates that defense forces can solely import goods from foreign suppliers.

According to ANI sources, priority will now be given to procurement of Indian Developed Design and Manufactured (IDDM) items.

He said that the main campaign for ‘Make in India’ will ensure that contracts worth several thousand crores are awarded to Indian manufacturers.

The decision will have implications for a large number of programs in the Indian Navy, Air Force and Army, some of which are in advanced stages, such as the Indian Navy’s Kamov helicopter procurement project.

This initiative has been taken after Prime Minister Modi’s review meeting with officials of the Defense Ministry, including the then Chief of Defense Staff General. Bipin Rawat, during which it was determined that strong measures would be required to ensure that the country moves firmly towards a self-reliant India in the defense sector.

“All stakeholders can take a call in principle that no import of defense items is going ahead,” an additional secretary-rank official in the Defense Ministry was quoted as saying by ANI.

“All capital and revenue purchases are proposed or currently being critically reviewed. This review is to be completed by January 15.

(with ANI inputs)
