Center should accept ‘sacrifice’ of farmers killed during agitation: Prakash Badal

before the prime minister Narendra ModiVisiting Punjab Akali Dal patriarch and former Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on Tuesday said the Center should accept the “sacrifice” of farmers killed during the agitation against agricultural laws.

The five-time CM told the PM, “The right atmosphere for his long visit to Punjab by taking some concrete steps first to expose the conspiracy behind the ongoing incidents of sacrilege against Sikhism and to resolve other major political issues.” Create.” The people of Punjab are facing religious and economic issues.

In a written statement, Badal listed five key issues on which he said, “The Prime Minister’s package will give credibility and respect to Modi’s visit to Punjab.”

Senior Badal said, “As prime minister, if you announce economic, political, agricultural and regional package to meet the demands of Punjabis before coming here, you will earn a lot of goodwill and my personal gratitude.”

He also drew the prime minister’s attention to “thousands of Sikh families awaiting justice for the 1984 massacre”. Badal said that “the visit of the Prime Minister will indeed be a welcome gesture and will heal many old wounds inflicted by the Congress governments.”

Badal said he was requesting “on the eve of the Prime Minister’s visit to remind him of his sacred obligations to the country’s food bowl and the arm of the sword, Punjab.”

He also called for a “major agri economic package to bring the farmers of Punjab out of the tragic crisis in which they have been drowned as a result of agricultural debt.”

“It would be a great gesture if you go beyond the optics and go into the conspiracy behind the painful chain of incidents of sacrilege against Sikhism and to address other issues facing the people by a sitting Supreme Court judge. declare such an investigation. State,” Badal said.

Badal asked the Prime Minister to “pay attention to the expectations of Punjabis on the resolution of their other pending demands including transfer of Chandigarh and other Punjabi speaking areas and settlement of river water issue with riparian principle”.

He drew the prime minister’s attention to “the loss of over 800 people in the struggle against the three black laws on agriculture” and that “these sacrifices should be acknowledged with a concrete gesture by the central government to help their families”. This was particularly important because these sacrifices were made in protest against union-made laws and the government has since accepted the advice to repeal these laws.
