Center responsible for the purchase of entire paddy: Rakesh Tikait

Published: Publish Date – 12:05 AM, Mon – 11 Apr 22

Bharatiya Kisan union (BKU) national spokesperson Rakesh Tikait

Hyderabad: Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) national spokesperson Rakesh Tikait on Monday extended support to the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) protest in New Delhi and said he would participate in the protest demanding the central government to procure paddy produced in Telangana. Will. Excerpts from an interview:

Question: Demand for uniform procurement policy of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao

A: This is a valid demand. There should be a uniform policy and it is the responsibility of the central government to procure the entire crop produced by the farmers. I do not understand the stand of the Central Government on this issue. We support Chandrashekhar Rao’s demand for a uniform procurement policy. If the center cannot buy the stock, it should compensate the farmers for the loss caused by selling their stock to the traders. Farmers cultivate crops for national consumption and it is the responsibility of the Center to protect the farmers.

Question: TRS party protest in New Delhi on Monday

Answer: We will extend unconditional support to the farmers of Telangana and will stand with the farmers across the country. Along with leaders of other farmers’ unions, I will also participate in the protest. It is not just this protest, we will support Chandrashekhar Rao’s future initiatives, which aim for the welfare of the farming community. He himself is a farmer.

Question: 24 hours free electricity supply to the farmers of Telangana government

A: I appreciate the Telangana government for providing 24 hours free power supply to the farmers and other states should also repeat the same as it will benefit the farmers. In the name of power reforms, the central government is proposing new rules and these rules are likely to adversely affect the farmers. The proposed rules are not in favor of the farmers and they will increase the electricity charges. We are still assessing them.

Question: Effect of rising fuel prices on agriculture sector

A: There is a lot of influence. The agriculture sector, like all other sectors, was being affected due to the rising prices of petrol and diesel. However, it does not directly affect the farmers, but has a lot of indirect effect on the farming practices. Interestingly, fuel prices do not increase when elections are held, but soon after the results are announced.

Question: Ex-gratia amount to the farmers who ended during the movement

A: It is very unfortunate that many farmers died during the agitation in the national capital. We demanded an ex-gratia of Rs 25 lakh and jobs to the kin of the farmers killed in the agitation, but till date no response has come from the Centre. We welcome the move of Telangana Government to give an ex-gratia of Rs 3 lakh to each family. The Haryana and Punjab governments have already given an ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakh but the Uttar Pradesh government has not announced any assistance.

Question: On future plans

A: There are many plans and demands. Amidst all this, the MSP for all the crops cultivated by farmers across the country is important. We demand a national policy on MSP and pretentious measures by the Center will not suffice. It had announced that a committee would be constituted on the issue but so far no development has taken place on that front.

In addition to MSP, farmers should be given investment support as is being done by the Telangana government under the Rythu Bandu scheme. There is a huge increase in the input cost and all the states should repeat the Rythu Bandu scheme and the central government should support it.

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