Celebration of the slayer of Musewala: After the murder, the pistols were raised at the song of the Lord; Video found from Ankit’s mobile

Chandigarha few moments agoAuthor: Manish Sharma

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After the murder of Sidhu Musewala, the murderers celebrated fiercely. A video of this has been recovered from Ankit Sersa’s mobile. In this, sharp shooter Priyavart Fauji is sitting in front. Sachin Bhiwani is driving the car. Sharp shooters Ankit Sersa and Deepak Mundi sitting behind are waving arms. Kapil Pandit is also sitting with him.

They all seem to be celebrating the murder. A Punjabi song is playing in the car and all of them are going through some farm road. The weapons displayed by the sharp shooters were used in the murder of Musewala.

Priyavart Fauji seen in the video.

Priyavart Fauji seen in the video.

Musewala was killed by 6 sharp shooters
In the investigation so far, it has been found that 6 sharp shooters were involved in the murder of Musewala. These include Priyavart Fauji, Ankit Sersa, Deepak Mundi, Kashish alias Kuldeep, Jagroop Roopa and Manpreet Mannu Kusa. Among them, Fauji, Kashish and Ankit Sersa have been arrested. The search is on for the rest.

Kapil Pandit, Ankit Sersa and Deepak Mundi are seen (from right) in the video.

Kapil Pandit, Ankit Sersa and Deepak Mundi are seen (from right) in the video.

Weapons disappeared after 2 days
Whatever weapons were used in the murder of Musewala, they were taken away by some unknown person after 2 days i.e. on June 1. This too was already planned. Under which these weapons were disappeared. Delhi Police is looking for him. At the same time, the purchase of AK 47 used in the murder from Bulandshahr was not confirmed. It is definitely said that Delhi Police has got important inputs.

Sachin Bhiwani is seen in the video.

Sachin Bhiwani is seen in the video.

such a murder
When Musewala came out of the Thar jeep on May 29, sharp shooters in Corona and Bolero were already ready. He had received instructions from the gangster Goldie Brar of Lawrence Gang in Canada. He then followed Moosewala’s Thar from Corolla. Going ahead, he overtook Moosewala’s Thar and opened fire with AK47. Due to which the Thar of Moosewala stopped there. After this, sharp shooters with Bolero also reached there and killed Musewala by firing bullets.

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