Celebrate National Iced Tea Day with Refreshing Recipes – News18

National Iced Tea Day is the perfect occasion to enjoy refreshing and flavorful iced tea creations that keep you cool and invigorated. Whether you prefer fruity blends, classic favorites, or a unique twist, iced tea offers a delightful way to quench your thirst. Here are three delicious recipes to try: Hibiscus Apple Watermelon Crush Iced Tea, Classic Lemon Delight, and Raspberry Mint Iced Tea. Each recipe combines fresh ingredients with the aromatic charm of tea, providing a perfect treat for a sunny day. Enjoy these vibrant and easy-to-make beverages as you celebrate the joys of iced tea by VAHDAM India.

Hibiscus Apple Watermelon Crush Iced Tea


● 1 hibiscus infused herbal tea bag

● 2-3 slice of thinly sliced apple

● 1/2 cup of freshly cut watermelon cubes

● Approx 250 ml of water

● Ice cubes

● Edible glitter (optional)

● 2-3 Fresh mint leaves (for garnish)

● Additional watermelon cubes (for garnish)


Prepare the Iced Tea

● Place 1 tea bag of hibiscus infused herbal tea in a cup.

● Add 250 ml of freshly boiled water.

● Cover the cup with a lid and steep for 3-5 mins

● Remove the tea bag and allow the brewed tea to cool down to room temperature.

Prepare the Glass

● In your serving glass, add a handful of freshly cut watermelon cubes and thinly sliced apple

● Crush the watermelon cubes gently to release some juice and flavor.


● Fill the glass with ice cubes.

● Optionally, sprinkle a pinch of edible glitter over the ice for a sparkling effect.

● Pour the prepared Hibiscus Iced Tea over the ice and crushed watermelon.

● Garnish with additional watermelon cubes and fresh mint leaves for a refreshing touch.

Classic Lemon Delight

(Serves 1)


● 1 Black tea bag or 1 tbsp of any black tea leaves

● 250 ml of water

● Sweetener of choice (Optional, adjust to taste)

● 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

● Lemon slices for garnish

● Ice cubes

● Mint leaves for garnish

● Sparkling water (optional, for a fizzy twist)


Brew the Tea:

● In a large pot, bring 250 ml of water to a boil.

● Then put in 1 Black tea bag or 1 tbsp of any black tea leaves

● Cover the pot with a lid and steep for 3-5 minutes.

● Remove the tea bags or strain out the black tea.

● Allow the tea to cool to room temperature.

Prepare the Glass:

● Fill each glass with ice cubes.

● Add a few fresh mint leaves at the bottom of the glass for a refreshing twist.


● Pour the cooled tea into the ice-filled glasses.

● Stir in 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice.

● For a fizzy twist, top off with a splash of sparkling water (Optional)

● Add a slice of lemon to the rim of each glass.

● Top with a sprig of fresh mint for a vibrant and refreshing presentation.

Raspberry Mint Iced Tea


● 1 Black tea bag or 1 tbsp of any black tea loose leaves

● 2-3 sprigs of mint

● 5-6 raspberries (fresh or frozen)

● 1 lemon

● Sweetener of choice (Optional, adjust to taste)

● Ice cubes

● Fresh mint leaves for garnish

● Raspberries for garnish

● Approx 250 ml of water/ 1 cup of water


Brew the Tea:

● In a large pot, bring 250 ml of water to a boil.

● Add 1 tbsp of black tea leaves to the boiling water.

● Cover the jug with a lid and let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes

● Remove the tea bags or strain out the black tea

● Allow the tea to cool to room temperature.

Prepare the Raspberry Puree:

● In a blender or food processor, combine raspberries with Sweetener of choice (Optional)

● Blend until smooth.

● Strain the raspberry mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove seeds, if desired.

Assemble the Raspberry Iced Tea:

● Fill glasses with ice cubes.

● Squeeze fresh lemon juice into each glass, to taste.

● Pour the brewed black tea over the ice, leaving room for raspberry puree.

● Spoon a generous amount of raspberry puree into each glass.

● Stir gently to combine the flavors.

Garnish and Serve:

● Garnish each glass with a sprig of fresh mint and a few whole raspberries.

● Serve immediately and enjoy your refreshing raspberry iced tea!