CBSE Result: Class 12 Pass Percentage Dips, But Board Urges Pre-Covid Comparison | Highlights

This year the overall percentage of students passing the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 12 examination has decreased by 5.38% as compared to the previous year’s pass percentage. But, this year for the first time since 2019 the exam was conducted in annual mode, the pre-pandemic year, the pass percentage has actually increased by 3.93%, according to the results announced on Friday on

According to CBSE officials, the overall pass percentage this year 12th class results is 87.33%, bettering the pre-Covid year 2019 pass percentage of 83.40%. In 2022, the overall pass percentage was 92.71%.

Explaining the decline in the pass percentage from last year and the increase in the same as compared to 2019, CBSE Controller of Examinations Sanyam Bhardwaj said that for the first time in three years from 2023 onwards the examinations will be held in annual mode like pre-Covid years. It is true that the results are compared with 2019.

“It is a replica of the year 2019. So we have to make a fair comparison, which is clear that the results have improved. Last year, the pass percentage was higher as the exam was conducted in two terms,” said Bhardwaj.

In both 2020 and 2021, the exams either could not be conducted or had to be canceled midway due to the intensity of the COVID-19 wave and an alternate evaluation mechanism was used instead. Classes were not held, there were gaps in learning due to the prolonged Covid-induced lockdown.

“Hence, this is the year when the students had full opportunity to prepare. The students worked hard and performed well, while the credit also goes to the schools, who made all efforts to make up for the loss of learning in the last three years.”

in 2022, which saw the rise of the Omicron wave and for the first time avoided a repeat of the previous two years CBSE It has been decided to conduct the examination in two phases. The first term for all subjects was conducted in objective type format and the second in subjective format with a gap of several months between the two terms.

According to CBSE Data, this year, a total of 16,80,256 students registered for class 12 exam across the country out of which 16,60,511 appeared while 14,50,174 passed the exam. In 2022, a total of 14,44,341 students had registered out of which 14,35,366 appeared in the exam and 13,30,662 passed the exam. The exam was held from February 15 to April 5.

Overall, girls outperformed boys in performance, keeping with a trend of several years. While 90.68% girls passed the exam, the pass percentage of boys stood at 84.67%. Girls performed 6.01% better than boys.

The overall pass percentage for class 12th in Delhi is 92.22%. A total of 3,75,941 students registered for the CBSE exam, while 3,70,996 appeared for it, out of which 3,42,128 passed the exam.

In region-wise performance, Trivandrum topped the states with the highest pass percentage of 99.91%, followed by Bengaluru (98.64%), Chennai (97.40%), Delhi (92.22%) and Chandigarh (91.84%).

Like previous years, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JKV) performed best among all schools.

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan also congratulated the students in a tweet: “Hearty congratulations to my young friends who have cleared the #CBSE class 12th exam. It is a moment to rejoice at success and cherish the fruits of hard work of the year. Best wishes for a happy and bright future.”

The board did not announce the merit list of toppers to “avoid unhealthy competition”, like in the past few years. Many students have scored 100% marks in many subjects.

The board said that next year the examinations would be held from February 15.