CBSE Result 2022: It may take 10-15 days for CBSE result to come, answer sheet being airlifted from flood affected areas like Assam

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  • CBSE results may take 10-12 days, answer sheets are being airlifted from flood affected areas like Assam

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The wait for the students who are looking for the CBSE board exam results may be longer. The result was expected to be declared by July 10. Meanwhile, around 31 lakh students are waiting for the 10th and 12th results. Especially the 10th students are looking for this result to take admission in many undergraduate programs. Amidst these circumstances, CBSE has not yet released any official date for the result.

Evaluation process completed in next 10 days

According to the senior CBSE official, the evaluation process is almost over but the verification of marks is still pending. We hope that this process will also be completed in the next 10 days. Only after that the result date will be announced.

Airlift being answer sheet

According to sources, CBSE is getting its answer sheets airlifted from flood-prone areas like Assam. An official said that the northeastern states like Assam are more affected by the floods. There are problems in evaluation of students in these states. Helicopters are being used to get the answer sheets from here. So it is not possible to tell any date. There are still some uncertainties. However, it is expected that the results will be released in the next 10-15 days.

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