CBSE 10th, 12th Supplementary Exam 2023 Registration Begins Tomorrow at

Candidates can fill the form between June 1 and 15 to appear in CBSE supplementary exam 2023 (Representational image)

Candidates can fill the form between June 1 and 15 to appear in CBSE supplementary exam 2023 (Representational image)

CBSE Supplementary Exam 2023: Through this exam, students will be able to re-attempt those subjects of CBSE 10th or 12th in which they have got less marks or they are unhappy with their scores.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will start the registration for class 10th and 12th supplementary exams from tomorrow, June 1. Students who want to appear in the exam will be able to fill the form on the official website , Through this exam, students will be able to re-attempt those subjects of CBSE Board 10th or 12th in which they have scored less marks or are unhappy with their scores. Candidates can fill the form between June 1 to 15 to appear in the CBSE Supplementary Exam 2023.

CBSE 10th and 12th supplementary exams will be held in July this year. The exam was earlier called compartment exam but now it has been changed to supplementary exam. There is no change in the eligibility criteria. Students who get less marks or fail in one or two subjects can appear for the supplementary examination.

Read this also Appearing for CBSE 10th, 12th Compartment Exam? here is a guide to get high score

CBSE Supplementary Exam 2023: Application Fee

Along with filling the supplementary exam form, students have to submit an application fee of Rs 300. Students from Nepal and other countries outside India will have to deposit Rs 1000 and Rs 2000 as application fee. Students who will not be able to apply till June 15 can register from June 16 to 17 with a late fee of Rs 300.

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This year, the overall pass percentage for CBSE class 12th is 87.33 per cent while for 10th, it is 93.12 per cent. CBSE had revaluation and verification process opened From May 16 for class 10th and 12th. This process was started to provide a chance for the students who are not satisfied with their marks can send their CBSE answer sheets for revaluation. “Only those candidates who apply for verification will be able to apply for obtaining photocopies of answer sheets of that/those subjects,” the CBSE circular said.