Captain Amarinder’s Delhi Drive: After Amit Shah, disgruntled leaders to meet rebel G-23?

After an hour-long meeting with Union Home Minister and BJP veteran Amit Shah today, he had burning, burning (for Congress) eyes. Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh is pushing his heels and determined that the Congress high command will get his message across and clearly – he is not one to downplay the ‘insults’ he has caused.

Change of power and now (outgoing?) Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief Navjot Singh Sidhu also met leaders of the G-23 group, the Congress veteran who resigned ten days ago. The leadership in the party which is facing its worst political existential crisis.

Sources told CNN-News18 that some leaders of the rebel group may meet the disgruntled captain, who has also openly criticized the Gandhi family for misbehaving and humiliating them. In fact, Manish Tewari has already met him, a top party leader said.

Interestingly, the failure of Punjab has revived the G-23, as the group of 23 rebel leaders has been given the nickname. Senior party leader Kapil Sibal on Wednesday demanded that an immediate meeting of the Congress Working Committee (CWC) be called and wondered who was taking decisions in the party in the absence of a full-time president. Addressing the media, he said a senior member of the ‘Group of 23’ has written to Congress President Sonia Gandhi to immediately convene a CWC meeting to discuss party affairs and exodus.

Sibal said that the group is not “Ji Huzoor 23” and will continue to voice its views and reiterate the demands. He said that the Congress needs to be strengthened as a strong opposition to deal with the government and reiterated once again. Demand of the group to conduct elections for Congress President, CWC and Central Election Committee.

The G-23 Group of Ministers, which includes seniors like Ghulam Nabi Azad, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Manish Tewari, Vivek Tankha and Raj Babbar, created a storm in the party last year with its letter to Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Its functioning and demand for a full time party president. Sonia was appointed interim chief after Rahul Gandhi stepped down taking moral responsibility for the disastrous performance of the Congress in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

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