Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says main election rival has shown poor leadership on Covid – Times of India

Montreal: Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, seeking to build a lead ahead of Monday’s election, said on Thursday that his main rival had taken a lax approach to fight Covid-19 and showed weak leadership.
Opinion polls show Trudeau’s liberals are tied with Erin O’Toole’s right-wing conservatives and are set to fall well short in their bid to gain a parliamentary majority.
Trudeau, 49, noted that O’Toole, 48, had admired Alberta chief Jason KennyThe decision at the start of the year to quickly lift public health restrictions in its western province.
Kovid-19 cases increase, threat to healthcare system. Kenny on Wednesday apologized for his handling of the pandemic, saying he would present a vaccine passport.
“While the choices leaders made a few days ago in the face of the crisis, O’Toole was still appreciating Kenny for his management of the pandemic,” Trudeau told reporters in Montreal.
“We don’t need leadership in Ottawa to end this pandemic for good,” said Trudeau, who supports the mandatory vaccine mandate. Liberal leaders have been in power since 2015, but have only a minority of seats in the House of Commons.
Trudeau said Ottawa would send ventilators to Alberta, which shut down the Liberals in the 2019 election. Liberal campaign organizers, citing unhappiness with Kenny, said the party could capture three of the province’s 34 seats.
How to handle Covid-19 has become a political challenge for O’Toole. He is in favor of vaccination but says he prefers rapid testing rather than ordering vaccinations.
The Conservatives could also see a leak of support to the right-wing People’s Party of Canada (PPC), which is fueling public anger over vaccination and lockdown.
In a tweet, PPC leader Maxime Bernier attacked Kenny over the announcement of his vaccine passport. Bernier said he would “go to the province to join Albertans in the fight against this autocracy.”
A rolling Nano Research telephone poll of 1,200 Canadians for CTV on Thursday put public support for Liberals at 31.9%, Conservatives at 30.3% and left-leaning New Democrats at 22.4%.
Such a result can lead to a stalemate in which no party is able to form even a stable minority government. Trudeau kicked off the election two years ago, seeking benefits to deal with the pandemic, but could not overcome moderate voter fatigue.
