Canada extends ban on direct flights from India over concerns of Kovid infection in South Asia

New Delhi: As countries globally have started lifting travel restrictions, Canada is worried and has extended the ban on direct flights from India till September 21, according to news agency ANI.

What does this mean for passengers?

Canada has decided to extend the ban on direct passenger flights from India until September 21 in view of the South Asian country’s enduring struggle to contain the spread of COVID-19 within its borders, Transport Canada said.

“Based on the latest public health advice from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Transport Canada is extending the Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), which allows all direct commercial and private passenger flights from India to Canada by September 21, 2021 23: 59 p.m. EDT,” the department said in a statement.

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Initially, the ban was imposed on 22 April and was extended on several occasions. This time the ban has been extended for the fifth time. The ban was supposed to end on August 21, but will now be in force till September 21.

Meanwhile, other countries like Dubai have lifted restrictions to travel from India. Dubai residence visa holders can travel to Dubai from India if they have the necessary approvals from the Directorate General of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA) and can give a negative COVID test result.

However, travelers have to meet two requirements to travel to India. As per the Khaleej Times report, the vaccination status will not be taken into account by the airline representatives at the check-in counters.

The GDRFA is a government body that regulates the entry and exit of international travelers from Dubai as well as the residence of foreign nationals in the city.

The United Kingdom recently moved India from its high-alert ‘Red List’ to the medium-risk ‘Amber List’. The latest travel advice by the UK government will put people traveling from India to the United Kingdom at relative ease than before and fully vaccinated travelers will no longer be forced to undergo the 10-day hotel quarantine rule.


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