‘Can Meet and Sing for Them’: Singer Salil Kulkarni’s gift to the elderly

Popular singer-composer Salil Kulkarni has a huge fan following among Marathi masses. After releasing the album Aayushvar Bolu Kahi, Salil carved a special niche for himself.

Recently, Salil shared the news of his new initiative on Instagram. As per his post, Salil will visit the elderly, who can no longer attend his concerts, to greet them with his songs. In view of the Kovid-19 epidemic, he has taken this decision, which has been praised by the fans as well as the artists.

IG Post Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CWAxcvlqukG/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Posting in Marathi on Instagram, Salil Kulkarni says, ‘Hello friends, an idea came to mind even before the lockdown. Many of you have been coming to my concerts to listen to songs for many years. But now some people cannot go out of the house because of their age. They are tired or sick, so they can’t leave the house.”

“Nowadays, we all have seen the importance of listening to live songs. So, senior troupes who can’t come to the theatre, I can meet them and sing for half an hour!!”

Starting his venture from December this year, Salil said, “I will meet the grandparents who no longer attend the event. I want to sing some song for him as a gift for him. If we can give such happiness to at least one couple or group a month, it will be very satisfying.

Giving his contact details, Salil wrote, “Those who think that the elders of their house have a passion for listening to songs, then write to musicdirectorsaleel@gmail.com.”

At the end of the note, Salil said that he has no intention other than to give some musical moments of joy to the elders. And urged people to approach him only with good intentions.

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