Business owners protest in front of Prime Minister Bennett’s house

Small businessmen staged a sit-in in front of the Prime Minister Naftali BennettHome in Ranana on Saturday night.

Self-employed workers are demanding that the government and the finance ministry provide immediate financial assistance and compensation to business owners who are already affected by the coronavirus restrictions.

Business owners who participated in the protest came from all sectors of Israel’s economy, including tourism, culture, trade and entertainment.

During the demonstration, videos were shown of Prime Minister Bennett from a few months earlier, where he stood in favor of the self-employed and claimed, “No livelihood – not interest,” meaning that he should invest in securing people’s livelihoods. it was done.

This demonstration was only the first step in the independent campaign, which is gaining momentum in recent times.

Business owners protest in front of Prime Minister Bennett's house(Credit: Kobi Eliyahu)Business owners protest in front of Prime Minister Bennett’s house(Credit: Kobi Eliyahu)

Rami Beza, president of the Histadrut Independent Forum, called for dialogue between the Israeli government and the Ministry of Finance to assist independent entrepreneurs. He said that “it is impossible for us to live without livelihood.”

Beja then addressed the Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman And said, “We are neither lazy nor exploitative. We want to work. But if the state locks us down – we can’t be left behind,” referring to demands that financial aid be given to business owners affected by the pandemic. There is a need for.

Addressing the Prime Minister, Tali Laufer, President, Travel Agents Association said, “It’s been a year and a half for the travel industry. We run to every government office and ask for sympathy. Nothing has been done. Depression is rising, Rosie is on the rise. Bread is being thrown and the government is silent.”

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