Brazilian Influencer, Who Spent $1 Mn To Look Like Kim Kardashian, Says Butt Lift Filler Left Her Infertile – News18

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Brazilian influencer Jennifer Pamplona. (Image: @jenniferpamplona/Instagram)

Brazilian influencer Jennifer Pamplona. (Image: @jenniferpamplona/Instagram)

Brazilian influencer Jennifer Pamplona, who has spent a whopping $1 million to look like reality TV star Kim Kardashian, warned women to avoid using cosmetic material polymethyl methacrylate

A self-proclaimed “surgery addict”, 31-year-old Brazilian influencer Jennifer Pamplona has warned women to stay away from a popular butt filler that she claimed has left her infertile.

According to a report published by New York Post, Pamplona has spent a whopping $1 million to look like reality TV star Kim Kardashian. She said women should avoid using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), which is a common material used for cosmetic procedures.

“I always dreamed of being a mother,” she told Need To Know website. “Unfortunately, I now find myself unable to fulfil this dream due to the complications caused by PMMA.”

The report said Pamplona’s infertility is not directly linked to the use of PMMA, but her complications are believed to be due to “improper application or an adverse reaction”. The substance, which has to be injected to be used like a filler, can migrate to other parts of the body like the pelvic area affecting the reproductive system.

Pamplona, who has undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries since the age of 17, further said her complications arose after an adverse reaction from a bioplasty she had a decade ago. Doctors said the material spread from her rear pelvic area to her reproductive organs.

Her surgeon, Dr Carlos Rios told New York Post that the medical mishap became a “matter of life or death” for the Brazilian, who has had more than 30 cosmetic procedures including on her body and face. “The symptoms she exhibited were a direct consequence of this procedure,” he was quoted as saying. “She was hanging by a thread.”

The report further quoted Pamplona as saying she never imagined facing the pain of not being able to create life and losing the chance of becoming a biological mother. But, her doctor said things are looking better for her “with meditation, proper diet, supplementation and medication”

“The suffering is immense… My limitations are severe, and I don’t know what the future holds,” she was quoted as saying.