‘Book Chitra Ramkrishna under Anti-Superstition Act’

The Maharashtra Andhashradha Nirmoolan Samiti (The Superstition Eradication Committee), founded by late rationalist Narendra Dabholkar, has submitted a memorandum to CBI and Mumbai Police asking to book and arrest Chitra Ramkrishna, the former CEO and MD of NSE under Anti- Superstition and Black Magic Act.

Chitra Ramkrishna claimed that a Himalayan yogi guided her for the appointment of Anand Subramanian as the exchange’s chief operating officer in 2013. The appointment cost NSE ₹5 crore.

In a statement issued by Maharashtra Andhashradha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS) stated that the entire case is an embarrassment for the country, as a person at the helm of NSE used to take the advice of a self-proclaimed guru. Chitra Ramakrishna and Anand Subramaniam should be booked under the Anti-superstition and Black Magic Act of Maharashtra, demanded, MANS.

“MANS has brought it to the notice of CBI and Police Commissioner Mumbai that according to the Act it is an offense to claim divine powers and deceive people on the basis of it”. Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013 popularly known as Anti-superstition and Black Magic Act was promulgated after Narendra Dabholkar.

“The SEBI report mentions that Chitra Ramakrishna used to take advice from a self-proclaimed Yogi about day to day operations of his office. It also elaborates on the claims of Chitra Ramakrishna about the special powers possessed by this self-proclaimed Yogi who can exist without a mortal body. This statement is a clear violation of Act. Prompt action must be taken and those responsible for this fraudulent behavior under the disguise of spirituality and religion must be arrested,” demanded MANS.

MANS added that the scam indicates the superstitions prevalent even among the highly educated holding public office.

“The current case is a clear incidence of a person holding important public office working under the influence of superstitious beliefs and hence doing harm to the greater public good hence we have decided to take up this issue” MANS added.

Published on

February 25, 2022
