Board Exam Anxiety: 6 Ways Students Can Manage Anxiousness To Overcome The Stress And Perform Well

Board Exams: Exam anxiety is a very real thing. This is also known as performance anxiety, and feelings such as fear, uneasiness, worry, and nervousness are usually present. These signs and symptoms may also appear before, during, or just after the test. For students in schools, this issue is an extremely difficult situation. Working memory is compromised, and learning is hindered.

Expectations from both peers and your own family can feel like a burden. These worries affect the students during the examination. Yet, college students are still better at managing stress. However, students appearing for class 10 and 12 board exams experience a bit more anxiety. Students can overcome stress and mental fog by carefully following specific methods to try and reduce the anxiety that grips their mind.

According to experts, certain methods can help students understand the nature of their anxiety so that they can approach the exams more carefully. Various recommendations have been made by many psychologists to improve study techniques as well as manage exam anxiety.

Tips to Manage Exam Anxiety for Students

Here are some tips for students to deal with exam anxiety before, during or after the exam:

1. Plan and organize your study timetable. Make sure to do this for each topic, and schedule your early revisions as well.

2. Practice practical meditations like meditation and deep breathing. When they do experience anxiety, they will be able to recognize and acknowledge the physical manifestations of anxiety as well as its symptoms and the thoughts that may be causing them.

3. Learning everything by heart and staying up all night are two things that students should never do; Instead, they should sleep more than the recommended eight hours. A restful night’s sleep will keep the mind active and alert.

4. It is also advisable to go to bed early and wake up early instead of staying up all night to revise.

5. It is not a good idea for anyone, much less students, to skip meals in order to cover the syllabus.

6. Regular sleep routine should not be compromised to improve focus and prevent forgetting things at the last minute. Also, taking short breaks in between preparations can be very beneficial for rejuvenating the mind and body.

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Things to keep in mind before appearing in board exams

– Start by answering easy questions

– Revise again and again

– Understand concepts instead of memorizing them

Answer previous year question papers.

– Make mental notes

School children associate nervousness with board exams because of the pressure that is put on them and we as a society and parents must keep our unrealistic expectations and extremely high standards away from the lives of students who are stressed and anxious Are.

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(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not verify the same.)