Blinken says China is ‘most serious long-term challenge’ to international order

China faces a serious long-term challenge
Image Source: PTI

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken said on Thursday that China posed a serious long-term challenge to the international order.

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken said on Thursday that while the US united the rest of the world against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China remains the most serious long-term challenge to the international order.

Blinken said in a major foreign policy speech on China that China is the only country with the intention of reshaping the international order and increasing economic, diplomatic, military and technological power.

Beijing’s approach will take us away from the universal values ​​that have sustained so much of the world’s progress over the past 75 years, he said.

“Even as (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin’s war continues, we will focus on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order, and that posed by the People’s Republic of China,” Blinken said. Told.

“China is also integral to the global economy and our ability to address challenges ranging from climate to COVID. Simply put, the United States and China will have to deal with each other for the foreseeable future. That is why it is one of the most complex and consequential relations between us in the world today,” he said.

The Biden administration, Blinken said, does not seek to deter China from its role as a major power, nor prevent it or any other country from developing its economy or advancing the interests of its people.

“But we will defend and strengthen the international law agreements, principles and institutions that uphold peace and security, protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations, and make possible coexistence for all countries, including the United States and China. Let’s create and collaborate,” he said.

“Now, the China of today is very different from the China of 50 years ago when President (Richard) Nixon severed decades of strained ties to become the first US president to visit the country. Then China was isolated and Struggling with widespread poverty and hunger, China is now a global power with extraordinary reach, influence and ambition,” Blinken said.

Arguably, no country in the world has benefited more from this than China. But instead of using its power to reinforce and revitalize the laws, agreements, principles, institutions that enable its success so that other countries can benefit from them, Beijing is weakening them. He said the ruling Communist Party of China under President Xi has become more repressive in the country and more aggressive abroad.

“We see how Beijing has perfected mass surveillance within China and exported that technology to more than 80 countries, how it is advancing illegal maritime claims in the South China Sea, promoting peace and security. how it is undermining freedom of navigation and commerce or breaking trade rules, harming workers and companies in the US but also around the world, and how it champions claims of sovereignty and territorial integrity, while standing with governments that violate them,” Blinken said.

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