Blasts, anti-aircraft fire seen in Iran city said to have been hit by Israel in 2021

The Iranian city of Karaj witnessed a series of explosions after anti-aircraft fire in the night of Thursday-Friday, which was previously targeted in a drone attack blamed on Israel.

Videos online showed explosions and anti-aircraft fire in the city, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of the Iranian capital Tehran. Tracer rounds lit up the night sky, with the rumble of explosions heard in the video.

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency later attributed the activity to an unannounced drill at the base for the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard.

In 2021, A suspected Israeli drone strike Damaged a centrifuge assembly facility in Karaj.

Iran claimed to have repelled that attack, but Israeli media reported that the facility was damaged in the attack. Satellite images have also indicated damage to the site.

The attack reportedly targeted the Iran Centrifuge Technology Company, or TESA. The TESA factory was tasked with replacing damaged centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear site and reportedly produces more advanced centrifuges that can enrich uranium more quickly.

While Iran maintains that the Karaj facility is used for civilian purposes, it has been subject to United Nations, European Union and US sanctions since at least 2007 for its involvement in Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. The US lifted those sanctions under the 2015 nuclear deal, but then reimposed them in 2018 when then-US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the accord.

Last year, Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it had stopped production at Karaj and moved work to another site.

A European diplomat at the time said the move responded to a “security concern” after the attack, with the new site being “better protected”.

An alleged Karaj Centrifuge Parts Plant is seen near Karaj, Iran in a photo posted online by Google user Edward Majnounian in May 2019. (Screenshot / Google Maps)

The incident comes amid growing concern in Israel over Iran’s nuclear program.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly held a series of secret high-level meetings With top military officials aimed at increasing preparations for a possible confrontation with Iran.

According to a Channel 12 report on Tuesday, the premier has met in recent weeks with Defense Minister Yoav Galant, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces Herzi Halevi, Mossad chief David Bernia, military intelligence chief Aharon Haliva and other military officials to discuss the preparations. Talked five times to discuss. Possible attack on Iran’s nuclear program.

The report, which was not attributed to any source, included few other details about the discussions, and Israeli threats to resort to military action to shut down Iran’s suspected drive toward nuclear weapons. It may itself be designed to telegraph the seriousness of what Netanyahu has described as an existential threat.

The report said the outcome of the meetings – that Israel would act alone if the international community did not act – was shared with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Israeli F-15 fighter jets escort a US B-52 bomber through Israeli airspace on its way to the Persian Gulf on February 14, 2022. (Israel Defense Forces)

Netanyahu reiterated his stance on Tuesday night that the international community needs to back up its promises to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions with serious threats of military action or actually placing bombers in the air.

“The only thing that has stopped rogue nations from developing nuclear weapons is a credible military threat or a credible military action,” he told a national security conference. “A necessary condition and often a sufficient condition is credible military action. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes. We’ve waited too long.”

On Sunday, the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency said it was in talks with Iran, after a report indicated the country had begun enriching uranium to 84 percent – to make weapons-grade material. Just one short step short of the required 90% enrichment level.

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