Blast case in Rohtak’s IMT Phase-3: After the fingers of the injured’s left hand, the sight of the left eye also lost, PGI Rohtak replied, now Delhi will get treatment

Rohtak8 hours ago

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Rajkumar, who was injured in the blast, narrating his ordeal.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Rajkumar, who was injured in the blast, narrating his ordeal.

In the blast at IMT Phase-3 near Kharavad village on Rohtak-Delhi highway in Haryana, the injured man lost his fingers on his left hand, but now the sight of his left eye has also gone. After getting a reply from PGI Rohtak, the victim has contacted the doctors of Delhi. The injured prince told that the face and hand have been cured, but the sight of the left eye has gone.

The relatives of Rajkumar (54), who was injured in the blast on the morning of July 31, 2021, showed him to a private hospital in Delhi. The doctors there have expressed little hope of returning the eyesight. At the same time, even after 20 days of the blast, even after the NIA investigation, the hands of Rohtak police are empty. Alam is that the FSL report has not come yet. Police interrogation is also going on in cold storage.

The explosion was as if the tire of the truck had burst
Rajkumar, who reached home after getting discharged from PGI Rohtak, told that he used to go for a walk in IMT Phase-3 on a bicycle every morning. On the morning of July 31, he reached near the tap, where water was filled in the vial for defecation. After this thought that someone had kept the garbage after drinking alcohol. As he picked up the garbage polythene, there was a loud bang. Meanwhile, darkness fell in front of his eyes. Blood started pouring out of his face and hands. They do not know what kind of smoke came out after the explosion. I definitely remember that the explosion was as if the tire of the truck had burst.

There was also a blast in 1997
Let us tell you that in 1997, there were serial blasts in the old vegetable market and Qila Road market of the city. Three-four people were injured in the blasts. Two years later, the Delhi Police had solved the case. A youth from Delhi was arrested in this. The one who revealed that he had planted the bombs at the behest of Abdul Karim Tunda. Presently the matter is pending in the court.

Even after getting a proof, the police did not catch the suspect
On the third day of the blast, an eyewitness of the accident, Geeta Dutt, was threatened by someone on the phone. The accused had said that this time he survived, but will not survive further. So he should arrange 40 lakhs. After the threat, the victim informed the police about the matter. The victim had told that on August 2, he was coming from the house towards Kharavad outpost. A message came on his mobile phone from the number 9518637076 that Ab Ki Bar is saved. Will not survive next time. Make arrangements for 40 lakhs. He gave the mobile number of the accused to the police. The police also gathered all the information related to that number but they could not even take a suspect into custody.

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