Blackpin’s Jisoo and Jung Hee starrer K-drama Snowdrop faces backlash for ‘historic distortion’ in Korea

Blackpink’s K-drama Snowdrop starring Jisoo and Jung Hee has come under criticism in South Korea for allegedly distorting historical facts about the country’s pro-democracy movement. Directed by Jo Hyun Tak, the series is set in the year 1987 and revolves around the forbidden love story of a young university student, played by Jisoo, and a North Korean spy (Hee In) who is a pro-democracy Mistakes the worker.

However, the first two episodes have faced overwhelming backlash online, with 200,000 signatures on a petition seeking to stop its airing. The petition was first posted on the Bulletin Board of the Blue House on Sunday.

According to the petitioner, the two scenes majorly undermined the “value of the democratic movement”. The petitioner highlights a scene in the pilot episode where Jisoo’s character mistakes He-in’s character and saves his life. “During the pro-democracy movement, there were clearly victims, such as activists, who were tortured and killed for being spies,” the petitioner wrote.

The petitioner also highlighted the use of the song Sola Blue Sola which was played in the background during the chase scene between a North Korean spy and a member of the National Security Planning Agency in Korea.

Following the protests, some of the show’s sponsors, including P&J Group and rice cake company Ssarijai, have asked to terminate their deals with the production house.

Meanwhile, director Hyun-taek addressed the criticism in an online press conference and called for the show to do away with the politics of ideology. He said Snowdrop is a story of individuals, as quoted by the Korea Herald.

Earlier in March, when Snowdrop first faced backlash, broadcasting company JTBC stated that Snowdrop is not a play that disparages the pro-democracy movement or glamorizes for being a spy or working for the NSP. does. “Snowdrops is a black comedy that satirizes presidential elections held under a military regime during North-South tensions on the Korean peninsula in the 1980s. It is also a melodrama about young men and women who struggle with that situation. were hunted.”

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